My Audio Essay about education system

Ken Robinson have the idea that children can`t exert their creativity in current education system. He thinks we should make new education system. He said adults should care about children`s talent and believe them.  I have both ideas to agree it and disagree it.

First, we shouldn`t delete the chance for children to do what they do and improve their ability. Sometimes parents can`t find their children`s great talent of something, and he or she live a common life even if he or she have potential to become an Olympic sportsman. Also Mr. Robinson introduced a famous dancer in his speech. She called Gillian was realized to learning disability because she didn`t feel at ease in class. But her action was the hope of moving, so she had potential to be dancer. If the doctor didn`t find that, she might not be dancer. Therefore we set the art class or dance class in school same as math or language or else.

However there are problems to realize that idea. Mainly students can`t afford taking the class that is not needed in exam. Recently most students study for passing exam to enter next school. Because it is important to get job they want to do. In sure, if you find you excelled in something and you can live by using that, you don`t have to learn math or language or else. But there are little talented people who succeeded in that way. So, I agree his idea but that is unrealistic.

Second I agree with his idea that making a mistake is rather good thing than bad thing because nobody can do everything since first time and can learn something to succeed by making a mistake. I think so, and I usually try to do something without scaring to make a mistake. That is said to everything, for example education, connection between humans and etc. In current education system, students don`t think in their selves and don`t willing to do new action. That should be changed.

Finally I think in realistic the most important education is language. The reason of that is learning language allow you to communicate smoothly with other countries people. We should do international business for growing up economy. So we need not only paper skill like writing skill but also practical skill like speaking and listening skill. But students study more paper skill than practical skill, so the government should let them study more practical skill.


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