‘dislike’ botton on FB


CEO Mark Zuckerberg said Facebook took it into account to give its users new buttons including expression of “dislike”, while it is not clearly defined to call “dislike” yet. It is also considered to add a heart, a peace sign, a protest fist, a hand holding a bunch of flowers and a glass of Champagne. He said the button expressing negative sentiment would be used for being force for good by the way the Facebook company found.


I disagree with the idea that adds ‘dislike’ bottom which expresses negative sentiment.
The reason lies in the fear that the bottom could threaten an essential right to freedom of expression, especially minorities’. Facebook is a communication tool that users can share life events or anything users experienced, chatting with friends and so fouls. At the same time, Facebook is also free space to express ideas, thoughts, beliefs or ideologies. If ‘dislike’ bottom use is allowed, users have to see both positive and negative reaction to their post. It is a big change for users to be added negative reaction because they become to feel that their posts are clearly evaluated as good or bad posts.
It causes problems especially when posts have messages that include controversial issue or themes in gray zone. There are naturally ideas that are sometimes at the target of serious attack, especially ideas by any protected category of people based on their disability, religion, race, ethnicity, gender or sexual orientation. Then, if the number of ‘dislike’ becomes ‘attack’ on these users, they hold back from posting by fear that they are targeted of critics again. Since it is against the principle of fair and free speech, I’m opposed to ‘dislike’ bottom.

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