About China’s car sales growth

Summary of the article

According to China Association of Automobile Manufactures (CAAM), the growth at vehicle sales in China halved by 2013 in 2014. Many global carmakers are competing in Chinese market. German carmaker, Volkswagen’s growth of income also decreased by 2013. And Toyota couldn’t accomplish the goal of growth. However, China is the biggest car market in the world still now.



According to the survey in 2012, there were 81 cars per 1000 people in China. Japanese carmakers are damaged by the deterioration of Japan-China relationship such as territorial issue. Japanese share of cars in China is about 20% now.

Chinese wealthy people tend to buy expensive Japanese car. On the other hand, Japanese cars aren’t popular among young people because they focus on the design and facilities so even now Volkswagen is more popular among young people (Volkswagen is traditionally a popular brand in China because after WWⅡ, Germany sent cars made by Volkswagen for China for recovery from the war). I’m very worried about the trend away from Japanese car in the future. And it’s very disappointing that Japanese share of cars doesn’t increase despite Japanese home appliances are very popular among Chinese people.

There is air pollution in China and one of the biggest causes is the auto emissions. I think if Japanese ecocars such as electric cars and hydrogen cars become popular in China, this problem would be solved more quickly. There would be old and bad mileage cars in China. In addition, yen is weak now so China has a chance to buy lots of Japanese ecocars and sell more reasonably.

When House Foods Corporation which is a Japanese foods company tried to sell curry and rice in China, the company made a curry roux which tastes Tomato because Chinese people love Tomato taste. Japanese carmakers should make some originality to be accepted in China like House Foods Corporation.

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