My reaction about more than 25% of young people share parents’homes


The Office for National Statistics (ONS) said more than 3.3 million adults between the ages of 20 and 34 were living with parents in 2013, 26% of that age group. It also found young men more likely to live at home than women.
The ONS suggested the trend of living at home might be due to the recent economic downtown.
According to Karen Gask, senior research officer at the ONS, one of the main reasons is housing affordability, and that’s been cited by several academics who’ve looked into it.


I think it is not so good that a quarter of young people in the UK living with their parents.
It is comfortable for them to have their parents do housework. But, they become independent and should live. This is because I think that if they depend on their parent forever, they cannot grow up. Moreover, if their parents die, they may not live alone.
However, they cannot spend money to buy a house. It is difficult to buy a house for their salary. But, they should be able to live in the cheap and small house. So, they cannot live with their parent by the reason of a salary being low.

In addition, there are some reasons that young men are more likely to live with their parents than women. Firstly, men cannot do housework than women. Secondly, men often inherit the house of parents than women. But, I think that men have higher salary than women. So, I think that more men become to live independently.

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