My reaction to ”Toyota opens up hydrogen fuel cell patents ”

Toyota said monday that it’s going to try to boost the market for hydrogen fuel-celj powered cars by opening up its patents to competitors.This is because they believe the potential of
fuel cells to become mainstream technology over the next 100 years, and they try to help accelerate the adoption through the market by having more autmakers and suppliers in on the development of fuel cells. The move comes as toyota, honda and hyundai are introducing new hydrogen models to consumers. However, even though costs of hydrogen fuel-cell powered cars have fallen, they remain costly to build and there remain few stations to refuel them.

This is my summary.
In this article, I feel that these actions of toyota are the right action that companies should take.
Now in the modern society, we can see the actions of companies that have over self interest supremacy doctrine. For example, in the food industry , there have happened a lot of problems such as comtaminations , uses of foods that have passed the day expressing by when we can eat, and so on.These actions indicate that ,even if the action do harm to the society , only self interest is important.
However, I think a companies is what do good to people , and should be.
So I feel that toyota is a great company , and I respect toyota , the company with good socially moral senses.


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