My reaction about “ADB chief welcomes chance to work with new China-led financier”


The Asian Development Bank (ADB) is a reginal development bank which was established to facilitate economic development of countries in Asia in 1966.  However, recently, new infrastructure investment bank proposed by China and it`s called the Asina Infrascture Investment Bank (AIIB). The head of the Asian Development Bank, Takehiko Nakao said “If the AIIB is established, we are very happy to have the appropriate collaboration.”  Also he added that it was understandable that Asian countries would want such an institution because of the region`s huge need for infrastructure financing.

But some analysts see as a venue to expand Chinese influence at their expense. However, Nakao stressed that the ADB has always been active in infrastructure  and China has always been supportive of the ADB.


I think the essence of this article is in the collision between the ADB chief`s opinion (especially Nakao) and analysts` opinion.

The ADB chief is saying that the AIIB is needful for Asian countries` infrastructure financing. Also they think China haas always been very supportive of the ADB. But above mentioned, some analysts see as a venue to expand Chinese influence at their expense and they oppose establishing the AIIB.

Before reading this article, I didn`t know much about the ADB and the AIIB. But I don`t agree about establishing the AIIB either. Because the recent Chinese economic is apprehensived for it`s deterioration. So I don`t think the AIIB is drastic reforms for Asian countries` infrastructure financing.

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