My Reaction-Obama to beef up laws on privacy and data breaches

US President Barack Obama will propose three new laws that all deal with our privacy information. As its background, many large US retailers were hit by cyber-thieves who tried to scoop up payment-card data. One of the laws will require companies to let customers know within 30days if their personal information went astray in a data breach. The second law will attempt to give people more control over what can be done with the data companies gather about them. The last one would ban educational software makers from selling data they collect from students. Mr. Obama is believed to want to resurrect a “consumer privacy bill of rights” that was first proposed in 2012 and witch would ensure consumers are consulted before data gathered from their online activity is sold. Exact details of the proposal will come to light during a speech od Mr. Obama at the US Federal Trade Commission on 12 January.

After reading this article, I was surprised that those educational software makers sell our data for their benefits. I really dislike those spam mails sent to my address, and that may be due to these thoughtless organizations. We must feel furious about this, and at least I feel now. In Japan, there are also many cyber-thieves and our personal information has been stolen. Also it is worse that some companies sometimes hide about leaking the information. Thus the law, that require companies to let customers know when information is leaked, is good. However, I think it is too late even if companies tell us about the leak within 30DAYS! I hope all the companies to become honest and responsible for their action. Surely we also have to be responsible for protecting our privacy by ourselves.


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