My reaction about “Germany ‘must invest more’, says France’s economy minister.'”


Europe’s economy has been getting worse in recent months and it causes persistently low rates of inflation leading consumers and business to hold off making purchases or making investments.

Therefore, France’s economy minister Emmanuel Macron suggested two things about the way to recover the economy.

First, he said that Germany has an urgent responsibility to invest more in the Eurozone by doing more to boost consumer demand.

Second, he said it was time for the ECB to adopt a method known as quantitative easing to prevent deflation in the Eurozone.

However, he also said we must care about France’s younger generation, many of whom have experienced widespread unemployment. France must firstly think about those people, and recovering economy is just secondary thing.


When I first read this article, I thought about Japan’s economy. Although it is controversial thing that whether the Japan’s economy is getting better, I feel it’s not getting better and still be bad. Why I feel like that is increasing the number of people who suicide. There’s no day not to hear about the train accident and I guess that’s because of an unemployment or hard work. It is important thing for government to recover economy, but I want government to focus on not only economy but also people’s health and their mental condition.

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