MY REACTION TO”Where the joba are and who’s being hired?”


Last year, employers added 3 million positions. Especially, Business&Professional services and Healthcare created the most staffing positions. Also, last year proved to be a good year for blacks and Latinos looking for work. They saw stronger employment growth over the past 12 months than whites. Economist explains this is because whites usually see larger gains earlier in economic recoveries. The share of black and Latino workers participating in the labor market has increased since last December, while the rate slipped slightly for whites. However, this news is not all good because Blacks and Latinos still have far higher unemployment rates than whites. In addition, the reason young adults employment rate grew is said to be recovery from great recession.



My opinion

I think that racial discrimination is still strongly effect young adults’ choosing jobs. Although more and more Blacks and Latinos succeeded in getting hired compared to that of other years that is because they are more likely to be on margins of whites, according to the economist. Also, Black and Latinos still have far higher unemployment rates than whites. US government should revise the system that White people get higher jobs first and then Black and Latino people get the margin of it. I think this time, just have recovered from great recession is good opportunity to reform the bad habit.

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