In this TED Talk, the speaker, Ken Robinson questions present education system that focuses too much on language and mathematics and argues that this system deprive the students of their potential creativity. From his experience of traveling around the world, he found that Every education system on earth has the same hierarchy of subjects. At the top are mathematics and languages, then the humanities, and the bottom are the arts. Everywhere on Earth. And in pretty much every system too, there’s a hierarchy within the arts. However, he thinks that dance, which is usually valued less than art and music even in the category of arts, is as important as math. He thinks that this education system is created by scholars and is to make scholars.

Why do we study? To enter university? Why do we study in university? To get a good job? However, no many companies want students who are only good at studying anymore. I think that students who are especially good at and have worked hard on something are strongly needed in this time. Including me myself, students who have been educated like that can do everything of a sort.

When I was a student of junior high school, I focused on studying math, Japanese, English, Science and Social studies and made little of those art subjects such as music, arts because about entering university, I was judged by only Math, Japanese, English, science and social science and I thought those ‘important’ subject are only subjects I should focus on. However, I should have worked harder on those art subjects. Those art subject, I can express others more easily. Those art, dancing, painting, play a music instrument have clear attraction and I can impress others.

The only thing is that interaction among sense of values of various fields make creativity. The more knowledge and experience you possess, the more ideas and expressions by creativity you come up with. Only study music or only study art are not enough to gain the creativity. However, doing everything by yourself is inefficient and not clever.

I think that the best way is that each of student develop the field he/she is good at and making group and sharing information, create something.

For that, I think that schools should ascertain each of the student’s talent first and then educate them to develop the talent further like Ken Robinson speaks in this movie.


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