Reaction about employment in U.S

Summary: As the economy recover, employment rate has grown in U.S. In the article, it said that when the economy starts to recover, usually white people gets the job first. Later on, black people and Latino’s earn the job. This is because racial discrimination exists when people hire someone. Still, in 21st century, there is a trend that white people excels the blacks.


This article made me think of two things. First of all, I was glad that employment rate has been growing, because in a year or two, it will be my turn to look for a job. It was a good news to hear that more and more positions are made for the young adults as well. I hope the positive effect of economic growth influences the Japanese society as well. Second, I was shocked by the fact that there are still discrimination by skin color in U.S. However, I must admit that almost the same thing is happening in Japan as well. In Japan, it is said that the (mainly) Korean people, whose ancestor was taken to Japan, still receives certain kind of discrimination by the Japanese. Especially in elementary school, children are likely to discriminate people who aren’t same. Both Japanese, and Americans must somehow find a way to abolish this. I suggest the government to change from education. We must teach the children how wrong it is to discriminate people by there traits or mother country.

As a conclusion, I was happy to hear that the economic recovery is giving positive effect to the employment. Although, I was upset with the fact that discrimination still happens in many situation.

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