Madonna’s promo snaps cause controversy


Madonna will release her new album “Rebel Heart”. She uses images of famous civil rights campaigners such as Martin Luther King Junior, Nelson Mandela and Bob Marley in order to promote it. But it causese controversy. She got criticized because some think she is comparing herself with them and exploiting their images to sell. According to this criticism, she posted an apology on a SNS. In spite of her apology, some people still attacked her and some of the songs from her new album were leaked online.


I do not understand why Madonna was criticized and attacked so much. It is because I do not know Madonna very much and I do not have subjective emotion towards those historic people whose images were used in her album such as Martin Luther King Junior, Nelson Mandela and Bob Marley. But I realized again that topics about somethig political were often bound to cause controversy. This case was also caused because some people who admired those historic people very much got angry. I will try to be careful not to stimulate people by stating something political thoughtlessly.

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