Reaction:Baby shortage imperils Japan’s economy


Japan is suffering from an acute baby shortage. Just more than 1 million babies were born last year in Japan. On the other hand, Japan’s health ministry also estimated that 1269000 people died in 2014. The fact indicated the population has decreased in Japan.

The trend threatens to severely limit economic growth as worker struggle to pay for the booming number of elderly. So, the government has sought to boost birth with reforms.


The population especially young people has decreased in Japan year by year. We should think about shortage of working force. I suggest instead of working force. There are two remarkable ways.

First, housewives work while taking care of their children. Some housewives want to work to earn income. But, they can’t work the same as regular employees for many hours. So, it is difficult for them to take a job at present. Thus, the government have to support a more childcare system.

Next, many older people work. Older people has increased every year. Therefore, it is necessary for us to use an older people. Recently, we discuss about mandatory retirement system frequently. It may become a solution to abolish this system.

These ways will lead the answer to solve the problem.

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