final audio essay

His presentation’s theme is the creativity and education.

He says that education system has to change. Meaning of intelligence should be reviewed. Moreover current education system extinguishes children’s creativity. For example, education system has the hierarchy and the priority sequence of subjects. So, especially the art subjects are quitted if they don’t want to be artist. Intelligence is introduced by interaction with various fields. Dance is as important as math.

Human creativity enriches the world. Creativity is as important as literacy. And children are hope. Since, all they have incomparable creativity. Adults should develop it. But current education system consider fails wrong, prevent to develop creativity. Human ecology should be gotten in education. Human ecology is one in which we start to reconstitute our conception of the richness of human capacity.

I think that creativity is important too. But, the education system which emphasizes creativity is difficult. So I want to hear that his specific plan. However I’m disappointed because he didn’t say it.

There are two reasons that change the current system is difficult.

First, current system is useful. Measuring ability is so difficult. The current system can narrow the subjects and we can appreciate students easily. If variety is too emphasized, we need to various criterions for judgment of education and it’s hard to compare each abilities. It’s not bad that ability to try certain subject harder, although strong or weak, favorite or not. Moreover this ability is needed in society.

Second, a general hierarchy of subjects is meaningful. Languages are needed for living. Mathematics is needed for developing logical thought. Humanities are needed for more enriching own life. Science is needed for questing truth. I think that languages should be at top of the hierarchy.

Changing the system is difficult. But I think that it should be changed so. I have three plans.

First plan is to adopt small-class. The number of students per a teacher is bigger problem than teacher’s quality. In big-class, teachers can’t look own students deeply and are required to teach a majority. Essentially, teachers have to teach a minority like students who is really good at studying and not good. Finally, teachers have to emphasize usability than to develop creativity.

Second plan is to collaborate with cram school. They have know-how about education as much as public school. The public school adopts these know-hows. Public school is at the limit of various educations. The government should help professional private schools.

Third plan is to support parents. As long as parents are teacher, they are beginner in education. They have big anxiety. So they sometimes forget to love their children. Despite it’s most important of their role. They are afraid of their children have differences. Since, they think that their children can’t live in society. Therefore they give their children the same education as others and children will lose creativity.

In conclusion, I think that how to teach is more important than what to teach. Children themselves can grow up. So we shouldn’t decide contents of education. We have to make environment not to prevent their growth.

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