Australian food will be safer than the alternatives―reaction


This article is about  Australian economy. It is thought that agribusiness is one of the next waves of growth in the many industries because China has great demand for food. There are potential value about next wave in Australia. Australian laws are trusted by foreign countries and Australian government interference is minimum. This is why foreign countries think Australian food is safer than other countries’.

After Australian mining boom, Australian growing industries are tourism, agribusiness, wealth management, international education and gas. Domestically, the average life span will be long so servicing senior citizens will be more important. Also, by increasing incomes private schooling and health care will become more important.


My opinion

I’ll talk about food safety. In this article, Australian food have a good reputation to foreign countries. Such reputation will profit Australian economy. In agribusiness, Japanese industries should model itself on Australia. However there are some problems in Japan.

The important one is rumors caused by the accident in Fukushima 1 nuclear power plant. After the accident, many countries carried out import restrictions against Japan. At present, the relationship between Japan and foreign countries has recovered. However, once Japan has lost trust from other countries about food safety, other countries will have a strong doubt for a long time. The lowered reputation of Japanese food is not only in foreign countries but also in Japan.

Recently, the media reported some extraneous material was found in instant food and fast food. Such news makes people anxiety about food safety.

This is why Japanese food industries should make special effort to improve reputation.

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