Final audio essay

Ken Robinson, an expert on education talked about his ideas about education, intelligence and learning in the video.

At first, he said the educaction is the thing which enable to carry to prospective future. And though making mistakes and being creative is not same, the education always criticizes making mistakes. He also said there are the relative merits of the subjects in education all over the world. For example, mathematic and language are top and art is low.  He expressed it is the education lacked creative.

In these points, I agree with his idea. In present education, people always divide the things to right and wrong things and they condemn the wrong things are bad. But I think these education system killed the human`s creative and talent. So I agree with his idea.

Next, he said the intelligence is composed of three points. First point is the diversity. He explained it is very  important to think the things from every angles. Second point is dinamic. He produced the example, interaction of human brain. He said the intelligence is made from interaction between various fields and values. Third point is distinctive. In this point, he talked about Jylian Lin who became a dancer.

In these points, I also agree with his idea. I think everyone in this world has an uncertain intelligence of various fields. And we also cannot never evaluate that intelligence. But above mentioned, the present education system evaluates the intellgence by using grades. So I think that situation of education kills the human`s intelligence. Therefore, we have to reconsider of these education systems.

Finally, he also talked about learning. He said that every children can show exceptional power. And the essence of learning is human`s concentration of the talent which they have.

I also agree with his idea. I also think the essence of learning is human`s concentration of the talent which they have. So the education must accommodate to this essence. But I think prensent education system robbed the chances for people to concentrate . The school timetable is a good example. Because it makes every people do the things decided by school on time. If there is a child who has a talent of art, he will be robbed the time to concentrate to his talent by the school timetable.

These are my   response to his ideas about education, intelligence and learning. Before writing this essay, I don`t have a chance to think about the relation between education and learning. But this time, I could reconsider of these things.

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