Veil bans in France-my reaction



Wearing veil in public was banned in France. A strict control was carried out. If people break the rule, they will be fined. These days, Muslim population is rapidly increasing  so The French Government made  this rule.The government claims that this rule focuses not on the religion but on the security.Also, French President Nicholas Sarkozy says that the veil restricts women’s rights and this is a discrimination against women.

Some people are against the government’s opinion. They argue that these bans will lead the conflict between Islamic culture and western culture.Also, other opponents say that the bans deprive the women of their freedom.

After all, this debate is still growing.


My reaction

I’d like to discuss this topic from two points of view. The first point is French attitude toward religions and the second one is women’s rights.

Firstly, why did The French Government imposed veil ban? In fact, it is clearly written in the constitution that France is nonreligious nation. Therefore, it is thought that people shouldn’t show religious attitude in public.

However, in my opinion, I think this attitude is too strict. Wearing veil doesn’t affect the other people. Moreover, Muslims don’t force their religion on French people. This is why I think government doesn’t have a right to make such a rule.

Secondly, I refer to women’s rights. French President Nicholas Sarkozy claims that veil is discrimination against women. However, I think Muslim women wear veils without being imposed by someone . Is this discrimination for women? It seems that veil bans rather prevent Muslim women from living freely.

This is why I think France should have a more generous attitude toward religions.

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