My reaction-recession in Venezuela

 Today’s my topic was about recent recession in Venezuela. Since last year, Venezuela has fell into serious depression. Why? President of Venezuela, Nicolas Maduro said that the economy had been hit by political instability and falling oil prices. He also said Venezuela was suffering the consequences of an economic war launched by US President, Barack Obama to destroy countries of OPEC, which is the cartel of the oil producers. On the other hand, he concluded that this crisis offered a “great opportunity for Venezuela to change its economic model”, because the country has been deeply depended on oil exports.
 I read this article, then I wonder why President Obama has put those OPEC countries at the disadvantage. I searched the Internet and found that he intended to take sanctions against Russia, and weaken the power of Islamic State. However, not only economy of Russia and IS, also economy of the other countries have been damaged. I think the present situation is terrible.
 In addition to that, when I communicate with the other student, who also selected a topic on Venezuela, he told me that the country was lacking of food because of little support for the farmers in Venezuela. Then I understood my topic and his topic were deeply connected. As the President Maduro said, we should pay attention to how Venezuela cure these heavy “disease” from now on.

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