My reaction to “The surprising uses of games controllers”


Nowadays game controllers are used in a lot of practical ways. For example, surgery training, flight simulating and bomb defusing. In addition, a future weapon of U.S. Navy using laser is going to be controlled by a controller like that of PS3 and XBOX360. The reason for these wide use of video game controllers is that they have evolved into more and more comfortable and intelligent forms. They have polished for a lot of years to become easier to handle and intelligent to control complex things. As a result, they exceed controllers developed by public organizations. Ways of controllers will expand in the future.

My opinion

I think surely game controllers are great, but it can lead dangerous situation. For above reasons, game controllers are easy to handle and can control complex system. Ways of video game controllers will expand from controlling a robot to driving. However, some people will use controllers in playing feelings. This brings about danger because of their practical use. If a student of medical department uses a controller in surgery training  with playing feeling, they cannot obtain enough skills. If a pilot controls a automated bomber with playing feeling, serious mistake bombing can occur. Therefore, you can use video game controllers in a lot of situations, but you should use them in serious attitude.

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