reaction about “The surprising uses of games controllers”

Games controllers can end up in the strangest places. The devices we use to control our computer games have, over decades, morphed into much more sophisticated designs. And they are finding uses outside of video games – from surgery to defusing bombs. Just this week, the US Navy announced it had approved a laser weapon that is essentially the kind of death ray that science fiction. The weapon is guided by a controller just like those used to play video games.Video game controllers can now be found in an astonishing range of places, from pilots controlling drones to medical students training through virtual surgery.

my reaction

I surprised that a familiar controller we use for playing video game is used to US Navy’s laser weapon, defusing bombs and remote control of surgery. I think the controller is able to use other things more. If we can remove bombs, we can apply to construction work, drive cars and train with game controller. An advantage of game controller is remote control. This adavantage is very useful for all peple. We can remove bombs crewless and like a video game. I hope these good technology  will develop more.

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