Reaction of “Sony’s PlayStation hit by hack attack”

I couldn’t understand why computer spyware was created when I read this article. According to this article, a hacking group called “Lizard Squad” attacked Sony’s online PlayStation store. They achieved that because of their twitter status. So, probably they wanted to increase the number of followers and attain fame.

When I examined other articles about computer spyware, I know that it was created to steal password or recover deleted files. I can understand that reason but I think the reason for their fame is nonsense.

We discussed why computer spyware was created after reading this article. As I wrote first, I said “I don’t know”. But during the discussion, we noticed there were four type people who created them.

First type is people who wanted to get other’s individual information. Probably they want to know someone they like or hate.

Second type is people who want to make trouble for others. I think they are criminals who take delight in people’s reaction to their crimes. They have got special kicks out of imagining that someone has trouble.

Third type is people who are national level creators. They are ordered to create spyware to get other country’s important information by government. I have read the article written about this. In this situation, it is useful for military affairs.

At last, force type is, as this article, people who get fame. I think they are most immature. Indeed they may draw many people’s attention, but they’re not respected, and their statuses don’t change.

There are many reasons for creating computer spyware, but it should not be created because many and unspecified people are embarrassed.

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