Clinical studies planned in Japan for prenatal screening of fertilized eggs

My article talked about pre-implantation genetic diagnose.

The screening, called pre-implantation genetic diagnosis, has ethical problems over genetic selection, as it would also include testing for genetic disorders.

Doctors are planning to conduct clinical studies on the screening of eggs fertilized in vitro to see if the implantation of eggs containing no genetic abnormalities can lessen the risk of miscarriage.

A subcommittee of the Japan Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology has drafted a plan for the studies, to be reviewed by the group’s ethics committee.

If approved, the group plans to solicit public opinion on the plan.

I agree with almost ways for who have the babies. But I oppose ways for choose babies.

I think that there aren’t normal children and abnormal children. Everyone has the differences. Only the people who will be able to accept all kind of difference should have the baby. Technologies such as pre- implantation genetic diagnose should be used by the people who can’t have the babies.

Prenatal diagnosis has good points. For example, we get the information about fetuses, we can prepare for them. We will be able to get information about “abnormal” children and prepare for accept differences. But this technology shouldn’t be used to choose the lives.

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