my reaction to twitter.


There are more and more people who use twitter. As the number of users is on the rise, there are many offensive content and users. Then twitter made changes that users can report abuse or offensive content more easily to twitter. The reason of the change is to put priority on user’s safety. There are 3 type of changes. First is reporting abuse. Users can easily report abuse which is not aimed to them directly. The way people report become simpler. Second is blocking users. If you block users, you need not see the user’s post anymore and the user can’t see your profile and post. This condition itself continue temporarily and permanently where necessary. Third is response to reports. There will be more staff and resources and better tools and systems for checking abusive content.



I use many SNS including twitter. I can get useful information through twitter. But I hate advertisement. Many advertisement is on my timeline. These post interfere seeing my friend post. So I agree twitter’s change. However advertisement which I am interested in is not unnecessary. Therefore twitter make appropriate system which gives good advertisement for us. And there are some people who I don’t like. Due to new change, I block such users easily and silently. Personally I prefer twitter to facebook, instaglam. Twitter is more convenient than facebook in that we can post short sentence without pictures. And facebook have many pictures of my face. I take care my privacy. So because of safety such a block report or response, I like twitter.

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