My Reaction About the article “Hitler painting fetches $161000 at Nuremberg auction”


A watercolour thought to be painted by Adolf Hitler has sold at an auction in Germany for $161,000. An anonymous private buyer from the Middle East  bought the work. Experts generally consider Hitler’s artworks to be of poor quality.The auction house said bidders from four continents had expressed an interest in the work.The original bill of sale was included with the painting, which contributed to the relatively high selling price,. Previous sales of Hitler’s art have caused controversy, and been criticised by some relatives of Holocaust survivors.


First of all, when I finished reading this article, I thought  “Why the bidders bought such poor painting at that high price?”, so I told my classmates about it and we argued about it. Our answer was that bidders are  crazy about Hitler. I think this matter is related to how people value the things. I mean that the value of the thing is decided by someones preference, so even if some painting looks poor for you, other one may feel it great thing.

Secondly, we argued about “Can we value the painting of Hitler as great thing?”. This means that if we value  Hitler’s painting as great thing thing and buy it at high price,  it can also mean we value Hitler his own. Our answer was YES  and the reason of it was that the painter’s personality doesn’t affect the value of the painting. But I think this is controversial.

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