My reaction about “Transplant success: Boy under 10 gets heart of girl under 6”


In this article, the girl under 6 was declared brain dead  and her liver and other organs were harvested for transplantation after family gave their consent. The recipient boy has been suffering from left ventricular noncompaction  and he was expected to  be able to leave the hospital in three to six months if he does well after the operation.

So the donor girl had been hospitalized at Juntendo University Hospital in Tokyo and her family agreed to provide her organs after a doctor diagnosed that the child could be judged as brain dead after suffering from a brain disorder.  Then it has successfully transplanted the heart.


I think the problem of organ donation is very intricate thing. So I cannot decide that organ donation is good or not way to save people necessarily. In class, we discussed about the possitive point and negative point of organ donation.

At first, the possitive point of this is of course that it can save many people`s lives. In that point, I think this is a good way to save people.

But, the negative point is the criteria of brain death is very difficult. In other words, there is possiblity that the donor is still alive and organ donation kills him. So the way to save people`s lives may kill people`s lives.

These points are the possitive and negative thing we talked about. So above mentioned, I cannot decide organ donation is good or not way to save people necessarily.

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