Life Expectancy

In the past, the life expectancy was shorter than now. Also, the life expectancy of some countries such as Uganda are in the case. It is said that the life expectancy was determined by yourself. The factors related to a longer life are outlook, exercises, an active mind, diet and genes. 80 percent of the factors are depend on your lifestyle.

Then we calculated how long we can live. Some questions of the calculator seemed strange…Do you have daughters? Are you left handed? But I thought that most of the questions are about the joys and motivations of life.I live my life trying to achieve my goal and taking care of my important people. For me they are the meanings and motivatons for living. And I am happy that I don’t have enough time to do all the things I want to.

So I think it’s good to smoke or eat bad foods if they satisfy you…to some measures.
Anyway I want to live meaningful life rather than long life.

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