Life expectancy


Way back in the past, life expectancy was about 20 years but now when we opened the lid it turned out that we could live for about 63 years or more. The reasons for our longer life expectancy are not only by genes but by the lifestyle. 80% of the factors of longer life expectancy are related to your lifestyle. In the end, if you have better genes, outlook, diet, exercise and an active mind you can live up to 100 years or so.


As I measured my life expectancy rate in this class I realized that I am able to live for about 80 years more from now on, if I live in a right way. This measure can easily be changed. You can subject your life expectancy rate by living in a bad situation or doing bad action. On the other hand, you can add your life expectancy rate by doing more good or the evolution of medical treatment may add it too. So I think this means that our life expectancy rate is unlimited because we don’t know and we can’t guess how far the medical treatment may evolve within our life span.

I believe in the future, future which I am over 200 years old. Some may think “I want to live until I am 80 years old and I want to die quietly” or “I don’t want to live longer, if I live longer it means I’m going to be lonely” , why think in a negative way? Think on the bright side, if you live longer you can go to a lot of place for vacation. You can have a lot of life experience and many people would admire you.

Thinking on the bright side is the key point for longer life expectancy. As I said in the summary ‘’ an active mind’’.

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