My reaction to Geckos inspire ‘Spider-Man’ gloves


Little geckos can climb walls and much research has been trying to clarify how they climb, yet results of those investigations has proven that using gecko adhesion to work at larger scales without any loss of performance was difficult. However, Stanford University’s team invented hand-sized silicone pads which were inspired from geckos. People who weigh 70kg can climb vertical glass wall when they use the silicone pads. The pads will be used for soldiers when they need climb up without ropes and ladders.


This new technology will be helpful and useful for soldiers, workers, toy companies, and kids in many situations. Firstly, it is very useful when soldiers need climb up silently or there is nowhere ropes can hang. And they can carry out their duty with less baggage. Secondly, especially for steeplejack, it can improve their safety when they work at bad scaffolds or high places. Finally, maybe new toys will be made and toy companies can profit by them and kids can play new style games in the open.

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