The death calculator


In old days, humans were expected to live for around 20 years. However as the time went by the average life expectancy got much longer and now the world life expectancy is around 63 years. Moreover, if you are lucky enough to live in a developed country, there is a big chance of you to have a longer life. You may think long life is a result of luck and genes, but it is said that it is mainly depending on your life style. In your life style, there are mainly five factors that will depend you on how long you will live your life. They are genes, outlook, diet, exercise and active mind. Therefore, if you want a longer life, you should take care of those five factors!



“Life and death” is the topic that humans always discuss and worry about. There is no way of you to escape from the death, but still, people search for ways to get a longer life. When I was in middle school, I used to tell my family and friends that I only want to live until 40 or 50 years old. When I think about that, I feel like it is pretty short. Back then I didn’t have future plans. Therefore I never imagined how my life is going to be. However, now that I am in university and my future is becoming more and more solid, I would say that the life with only 40 or 50 years are too short.

You can never find out how much time you have left in your life time. However, I believe it is not the years that are important in your life. If you can live everyday with your best and no regret, then that is the best life you can get!

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