How long I live


Human being’s life expectancy is getting much longer than before. Two thousand years ago, its average was only 7000 days because of the luck of hygiene, good nutrition and so on. Now the world average is 63 years. If you’re lucky enough to live in developed country, you can expect even longer one. Fortunately, however, luck and gene account for only 20% of the factors of lifespan expectancy. Long life is closely related to outlook, diet, excercise, and active minds besides them. So basically, 80% of them are controlable. How long you live depends on how you live.


I never imagined that my lifespan is that long. 89 years sounds pretty outrageous. I’m not sure I feel happy to have a long life when I get old. What if my husband has been already dead? What if I can’t even walk by myself? I remember my Turkish friend asked me “What is the average life expectancy in Japan?” I told him it’s about 80 years. He suddenly opened his eyes wide making his “Oh my goodness you have to live another 60 years” face. After wrote sentences above, I began to feel like “No matter how much I worry about the future, it wouldn’t do any good.” And I realized that’s why I will live that long. Still I can’t say living long is absolutely fortunate, the least I could make it so with my positive mind.


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