93 Years old!?

Summary: Last class, we did an activity, that calculated our life expectancy. Each of our life expectancy were determined by answering the yes, no questions that had a scientific proof for shortening lifespan. According to the article, longevity of our life depends on five factors: genes, outlook, diet, exercise, and active mind. Therefore, all the questions were somehow related with these 5 factors, such as “had cosmetic surgery after age 30?,” which asks about your outlook and active mind. Starting from age 79, we answered 22 questions and added or subtracted the number to calculate the age we’re going to die. MY life was estimated to be 93 years.

Reaction: I was glad that I can live much longer than the average life expectancy in Japan. I think there are 3 reasons to this result. First, I have a positive mind toward many things in daily life. That made me answer the correct, in the “active mind” question. Second, I care about my diet very much, to maintain a best performance in my sports. For example, in nutrition, I try to lessen the food with many fats, and try to increase protein and carbohydrates in my meal. Third, I exercise in daily basis. I’m an athlete, so this is obvious.

As a conclusion, this activity was a good chance for me to reflect my living style. It turned out to be OK, so I will continue with my diet and exercise as possible.  And of course, I will keep up with my active/positive mind until I die 73 years later.

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