Regin, new computer spyware, discovered by Symantec


Symantec, a leading computer security company, says it has discovered one of the most sophisticated piecies of malicious software ever seen. The bug, named Regin, was probably created by a government. Once installed on a computer, it can do things like capture screenshots, steal passwords or recover deleted files. It is said that computers in Russia, Saudi Arabia and Ireland have been hit most, and it has been used to spy on government organisations and business and so on. It is also said that it likely took months to develop and its creators have gone to great lengths to cover its tracks. Regin’s purpose appears to be to collect information.


The present age, there are a lot of resk of computer virus on the other hand it is a convenient very good thing for gathering information and using social network and so on to spread computer. We must focus on this resk of computer. Like Regin, the bug of computer can attect on other countries’ server, and it can develop to an international problem in addition war. The government should enforce securities and computer security company should develop new systems to overcome the computer virus. It will be probably vicious circle, we must never bear up the computer virus. To protect individual information and internatinal relationship.





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