Yuzuru Hanyu collided with Chinese skater at Cup of China-My reaction


Yuzuru Hanyu who is an Olympic champion was injured on his chin and had a concussion of his brain because of his collision.

The Cup of China was held at the Shanghai. The accident happened while athletes were preparing for their free program. Hanyu collided with chinese Han Yan. Hanyu was bleeding from his chin.  He couldn’t stand up for a while. Hanyu’s coach, Brian Orser told him to take care of himself. However, he decided to take part in the free program. He skated with “Phantom of Opera” and finished in second place. He scored 237.55. Hanyu was extremely surprised when he looked at his score so he bawled and appeared overjoyed.


My reaction

I’d like to discuss this topic from two points of view. The first point is whether figure is a sport or not. Second is about the most important thing for athletes.

First, figure is different from other sports, such as soccer and basketball. In most sports, athletes shoot at the goal, but in figure, judges give a decision on their performances. This is why it is often said that figure isn’t a sport.

However, I think figure is a kind of sport because athletes don’t contend with men and women together in competitions. For example, in competitions of painting or playing the piano, prizes are given to artists and performers without distinguishing by their sex. On the other hand, female and male athletes are divided in sports including figure.This is why I think figure is a sport.

Secondly, which is more important for an athlete, his health or his pride? Hanyu finished his performance to the end so audience were strongly impressed. On the other hand, his coach and people were involved in the competition were worried about Hanyu’s physical condition. Some people said that Hanyu shouldn’t participate in the competition.

I think Hanyu’s judgment was right. If he had given up skating, experience of accident would have become a trauma. Before causing a severe trauma, he had to overcome his fear.This is why I think Hanyu had to take part in the competition not only for his pride but also his future.



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