Manchester City fined for violating financial fair play

European soccer’s governing body fined Manchester City around $30 million and will limit its squad to 21 players in next season’s Champions League for breaking the rules of Financial Fair Play.
The club has been among the biggest spenders in Europe. Over the past 3 seasons, it has laid out more than $400 million on signing new players.
It is not only club that was cited by UEFA for violating the regulations. Another 8 clubs were cited for this.

The heart of this article is whether it is right or wrong to lay out much money to get good players. In my idea, it is right. There are 2 reasons for this.
First, Laying out much money for the player can be the barometer that the club appreciate the player. The expectation for the player becomes bigger as to be laid out more money.
Second, from the principle of capitalism, it isn’t able to avoid free competitions. It is usual in this world for the weak to become the victim of the strong. That’s life.

Therefore I think Laying out much money to get much money is right.

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