my reaction about brazil elections

President Dilma Rousseff has promised to reunite Brazil. She won in re-election with 51.6% of the vote, against center-right canditate Aecio Neves. Ms.Rousseff in Worker’s Party did well in the poorer northern satates. She reamains popular with poor Brazilians thanks to her government’s welfare programms since 2010. By the time she leaves office in 2018, the Worker’s Party will have been in power for 16 years. But she faced mass protests last year against corruption and poor services. So she appeal for unity and dialogue. this government deserves credit for helping to bring millions of people out of poverty but, as a result, public expectations here are now much higher.

I think Workers’ Party tends to win in the elections. In the past, election was limited for people in rich. But today, government was elected by all people. In almost countries, poor people are more than rich ones. So Workers Party is supported by them more than Social Democracy Party which takes many of the welfare for riches. I think that Democratic government exists for helping the weak. So in Brazil, Workers’ Party will have been in power for 16 years.

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