The great-granddaughter of a Canadian soldier whose bear cub inspired the story of Winnie the Pooh has visited the UK to retrace his footsteps.

Cpt Harry Colebourn brought the bear in 1914. He went to war in France and he donated the bear, called Winnie, to London Zoo. Winnie the Pooh was written by Alan Alexander Milne for his family. At first, the story was called The Wrong Sort of Bees in the London Evening News. The boy in the stories, Cristopher Robin, was named after Milne’s son. He had a favorite teddy bear, which he called Winnie the Pooh. And also, he had other stuffed animals such as a kangaroo, a piglet and a donkey. The characters in the stories based on his toys.
I know Disney’s story but I didn’t know the origin of Winnie the Pooh. Disney has made a lot of movies based on fairy tales. The stories, made by Disney, are a little different from real stories. For example, in The Little Mermaid, the heroine throws herself into the sea. However, in the movie, Princess Ariel gets married to Prince Eric. Almost all of Disney films come to happy end and the good defeats the evil. I think it’s very easy to understand for children.

When I was little, I read the Winnie the Pooh, made by Disney. In the book, Pooh lives in the house which has a doorplate, Alexander.I’ve thought Pooh’s real name is Alexander since then. But I realized its name is author’s name last Tuesday.

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