Brazil elections: Dilma Rousseff promises reform after poll win

President Dilma Rousseff narrowly won re-election to a second term in office. She remains popular with poor Brazilians thanks to her government’s welfare programs, though she faced mass protests last year against corruption and poor services. Wyre Davies analyzes that the standards of public services across the country in health, education and basic sanitation are too low for a country that prides itself on having the seventh largest economy in the world. This government deserves credit for helping to bring millions of people out of poverty but, as a result, public expectations here are now much higher. It is undeniable that life for most Brazilians has improved immeasurably during the PT’s mandate so far.

In Japan, we have never had a female president, so this kind of news is new. And it is surprising that she has been in power for 4 years and will be in power for another 4 years. It is also surprising that she could be in power after the corruption. Another articles say that she was imprisoned for 3 years for her role in the underground resistance, and say that she is a football mad(It’s like Merkel). Despite the fact that she did a wrong thing in the past, she remains popular in Brazil, I think she is a great leader like an iron lady.


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