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Do you like reading? Reading is very important part of life, I think. Reading tells us many things. Reading makes our hearts enriched.

There are numerous great sayings that profitable for us. Reading is healing and cheerful thing as someone said the past “A library is a hospital for the mind.”

There is a phrase that has always encouraged me since I read it in junior high school. “Create the conditions for Success in Life & Business.” It tells me that I should keep doing my best for everything and being strictly on myself.

Recently, it is said that young people don’t read books any more. If they read something, it is often a short story on the cell phone. However, some young people including myself, still read real books, and they get rewards from reading. For instance, I think I know more Kanji than people who don’t read would know. Reading also gives me different perspectives.

My favorite genre is fantasy. There is no great saying, even it give me a good influence. Fantasy stirs my imagination.

Reading is educating and entertaining at the same time. I believe that it will help me in many aspects of my life.

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