My reaction about Google Play’s strategy v.s. Amazon

In Google’s Play Store, there are no Amazon’s apps, although there are used to. This is a punishment for Amazon by Google, and the reason is Amazon’s new app system which makes it possible to download various apps in Amazon’s app, without Google’s Play store.

This passage mentions the possibility of Google’s monopolization in apps’ market. It is very hard for Amazon to sell their apps by itself, if Google could change the system of Google Play and eliminate Amazon’s app.
I searched what occurred after this incident. 1 week later from the incident, for instance, Amazon’s apps revived in Google Play. However, in the main app of Amazon, there is no system to download apps on its own. Because Amazon’s own downloading system looks infringing Google Play, Google removed Amazon’s apps from Google Play.
In the apps’ market, Google and Apple work hard to get customers. Amazon is new company to take in to their fight. In truth, the app store popularity of Google Play is about four times higher than Amazon (Figure1). But for instance, many users of Google Play download only free apps. Google gets very many customers; however, Google get little revenue from their downloading (Figure2).
In conclusion, Google struggled to make profit from Google play, so they could not allow Amazon who had high revenue rate from apps to leave from Google Play and Amazon had no technology to leave perfectly from it.

I’m so sorry about no detail of these sites and use figures without any permission…

reaction about “The surprising uses of games controllers”

Games controllers can end up in the strangest places. The devices we use to control our computer games have, over decades, morphed into much more sophisticated designs. And they are finding uses outside of video games – from surgery to defusing bombs. Just this week, the US Navy announced it had approved a laser weapon that is essentially the kind of death ray that science fiction. The weapon is guided by a controller just like those used to play video games.Video game controllers can now be found in an astonishing range of places, from pilots controlling drones to medical students training through virtual surgery.

my reaction

I surprised that a familiar controller we use for playing video game is used to US Navy’s laser weapon, defusing bombs and remote control of surgery. I think the controller is able to use other things more. If we can remove bombs, we can apply to construction work, drive cars and train with game controller. An advantage of game controller is remote control. This adavantage is very useful for all peple. We can remove bombs crewless and like a video game. I hope these good technology  will develop more.

Reaction of “Sony’s PlayStation hit by hack attack”

I couldn’t understand why computer spyware was created when I read this article. According to this article, a hacking group called “Lizard Squad” attacked Sony’s online PlayStation store. They achieved that because of their twitter status. So, probably they wanted to increase the number of followers and attain fame.

When I examined other articles about computer spyware, I know that it was created to steal password or recover deleted files. I can understand that reason but I think the reason for their fame is nonsense.

We discussed why computer spyware was created after reading this article. As I wrote first, I said “I don’t know”. But during the discussion, we noticed there were four type people who created them.

First type is people who wanted to get other’s individual information. Probably they want to know someone they like or hate.

Second type is people who want to make trouble for others. I think they are criminals who take delight in people’s reaction to their crimes. They have got special kicks out of imagining that someone has trouble.

Third type is people who are national level creators. They are ordered to create spyware to get other country’s important information by government. I have read the article written about this. In this situation, it is useful for military affairs.

At last, force type is, as this article, people who get fame. I think they are most immature. Indeed they may draw many people’s attention, but they’re not respected, and their statuses don’t change.

There are many reasons for creating computer spyware, but it should not be created because many and unspecified people are embarrassed.

James Watson

The Nobel Prize gold medal awarded to the US scientist James Watson for discovering the structure of DNA has sold at auction for $4.8m. This is the first Nobel Prize medal to be put on sale by a living recipient. Watson is also known for his provocative comments. He was ostracized by the scientific community after he said racial discrimination against black people. That’s why he sold the medal. He planned to donate part of the proceeds to charities and to support scientific research.

I think it’s no problem that Watson sold his medal, because the decision is up to him. And he will donate to support other people from his $4.8m. This is the good way to use his money. However, I’m against his remark. It is unforgivable. He said “[I am] inherently gloomy about the prospect of Africa [because] all our social policies are based on the fact that their intelligence is the same as ours—whereas all the testing says not really.” He is genius in a scientific field, but he seems very stupid to make such a remark, and this comment is only the tip of the iceberg. Anyway, the medal was subsequently returned to Watson by the purchaser, Russian tycoon Alisher Usmanov, who stated that Watson deserved the medal and that it was “unacceptable” that he should be compelled to sell it.

Google pulls Amazon app from Play Store listing


We can’t find Amazon’s app in Google Play Store by searching because Google deletes it from search listings. Google is very generous to apps existing in its app store, but downloading apps including Android application becomes possible by Amazon’s app. This service conflicts with Google Play Store, so Google takes action.Google changes its agreement with developers to prohibit distributing Android apps in their apps. On the other hand, Amazon distributes new apps called Amazon Shopping. It is almost the same as old one, but we can’t access to Amazon’s app store by using this new apps.


I researched the monopoly of Google in this class, so I thought Google is very childish and holds fast to vested interests firstly. However, the agreement of Google Play Store allowed distributing Android apps in application if its service is not main function. This shows the tolerance of Google and the trusting relationships with the developers. Amazon’s thoughtless action broke this relationship and made Google does the tightening of regulations. The conflict of services can’t be helped, but the enterprise should follow general common sense. I use the Android smartphone and feel drawn to the abundance of apps in Google Play store, so I want Google to keep the tolerance.


Clinical studies planned in Japan for prenatal screening of fertilized eggs

My article talked about pre-implantation genetic diagnose.

The screening, called pre-implantation genetic diagnosis, has ethical problems over genetic selection, as it would also include testing for genetic disorders.

Doctors are planning to conduct clinical studies on the screening of eggs fertilized in vitro to see if the implantation of eggs containing no genetic abnormalities can lessen the risk of miscarriage.

A subcommittee of the Japan Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology has drafted a plan for the studies, to be reviewed by the group’s ethics committee.

If approved, the group plans to solicit public opinion on the plan.

I agree with almost ways for who have the babies. But I oppose ways for choose babies.

I think that there aren’t normal children and abnormal children. Everyone has the differences. Only the people who will be able to accept all kind of difference should have the baby. Technologies such as pre- implantation genetic diagnose should be used by the people who can’t have the babies.

Prenatal diagnosis has good points. For example, we get the information about fetuses, we can prepare for them. We will be able to get information about “abnormal” children and prepare for accept differences. But this technology shouldn’t be used to choose the lives.

My opinion about organ black market

I apologize for my absence and the delay… I came down with a cold.


Today, nearly 120,000 people are waiting for an organ in the United States, and just one donor has the ability to save up to 8 lives. Unfortunately the demand for transplant organs is far outstrips the supply… More than 30 patients die every day while waiting. As the result, the organ black market has expanded all around the world. Approximately 7,000 kidneys are illegally harvested annually by traffickers. Sometimes organs are harvested from a living victim for compensation. In the worst case it involves kidnapping or murder…
Donors of organs include usually impoverished citizens who are tempted to sell one of their kidneys to earn money, and victims of human trafficking are young children from developing countries in most cases. For example In 2012, a young African girl was kidnapped and brought to the UK for the sole purpose of harvesting her organs…

I think that the problem of organ donation is very complex.
First I’ll consider about the solution to resolve this problem and then, I’ll give my opinion about the human trafficking.

The expansion of illegal black market is related to the organ shortage crisis. In other word, the best solution to fight against illegal trade is to tackle the problem of organ shortage.
The Organ Transplant Law only allows donation in the case of brain death and with prior written consent, as well as the consent of the donor’s family. Furthermore transferring any human organ for human transplantation in exchange for money or consideration is against the law and can be punished with prison time.
Such restrictive rules contribute significantly to the deterioration of the organ shortage crisis. Making a radical amendment of the present Code is required.
I strongly believe that developing an altruistic system of donation from a living donor to an unknown recipient (obtaining organs from the living and the dead donor), and accepting the concept of a rewarded donor system (a paid donor model) will be a very effective remedy.

Now, I’ll give you my opinion about the organ black market.
For a utilitarian the measure of right and wrong is “the greatest happiness of the greatest number”. According to this theory, the proper course of action is the one that maximizes total benefit and reduces suffering. Consequently “saving 8 lives at the expense of one” is good. Personally I don’t like this argument because it ignores justice.

However we have to keep in mind that WE DON’T DESERVE TO SAY “I think human trafficking is a terrible business” because deep inside us we ABSOLUTELY don’t care about this.
Contrary to our hypocritical ideal, there are too many unfair affair in the world provoked by our egoism.
In the Southern Hemisphere, people die of hunger, in contrast in the northern hemisphere, many people die from obesity…
On the one hand there are people in underdeveloped country victim of illegal organ harvesting, in the other hand there are people in developed country who obtain their organs via an international black market web.

We always assume the air of indifference and we pretend not to see the existence of poor people in the world because we don’t want to admit that we are a cruel egoistic person. We all know that there are lot of people in the world who don’t have access to clean water, but we pretend not to see, and instead of helping them we hunt for expensive clothes to go to party.
Every one know that there are some poor children who are victims of human trafficking, but instead of extending them a helping hand (by donating money for instance) they run to Apple Store to buy the current iPhone model.

It is very easy to act or speak like a ethical upright man, but in bottom we are absolutely not interested in another people’s misfortune.
The cruel and immoral organ black market has grown in response to our selfish demand (supply and demand theory). We often imagine that illegal organ brokers are the only evil, but it is a serious misunderstanding. We should keep in mind that we all are indirect wrongdoers, and potential black market consumer.

Think about this case:
Your parents are affected by a serious disease. To survive your parents need an organ transplant surgery, but you learned that the organ intended to be used come from an illegal trade market.
Would you be able to cancel the operation to contribute to the eradication of illegal trades (if no demand no supply)?
At least I wouldn’t.
Our selfishness, that is the true culprit not organ blocker.


My reaction about ‘Adductive Social Media’


The title was ‘Research Links Addictive Social Media Behavior With Substance Abuse’.  Psychologists found those who use social media may be at great risk for impulse-issues like substance abuse.  The research, asked questions about social media use to 253 students, showed 10 % of users experience ‘disorderd social media use’.  One researcher, Hormes says that new notifications or the latest content acts as a reward, and the uncertainty of them encourages us to check back frequently. And the researchers hypothesize that disordered social media use is likely a symptom of poor emotion regulation skill. According to this, MRI data has shown that the brains of compulsive Internet users to exhibit similar changes to those in people with alchol and drag addiction.


As researchers says,   it is difficult to regard disordered social media use as a full-blown addiction because the definition of ‘addiction’ depends on you. But when we think back on our behavior about SNS, it is clearly ‘addiction’, I think. When our class is over, on the train, even while we meet someone, we use our smartphones and check SNS. In the last class, we discussed how we give up these bad behaviors. One of our group members  who is very strict suggested me to read books or listen to music instead of checking SNS.  I thought it was very smart idea. So from now on, I’d like to do so to stop my addiction of SNS!