Life Expectancy

In the past, the life expectancy was shorter than now. Also, the life expectancy of some countries such as Uganda are in the case. It is said that the life expectancy was determined by yourself. The factors related to a longer life are outlook, exercises, an active mind, diet and genes. 80 percent of the factors are depend on your lifestyle.

Then we calculated how long we can live. Some questions of the calculator seemed strange…Do you have daughters? Are you left handed? But I thought that most of the questions are about the joys and motivations of life.I live my life trying to achieve my goal and taking care of my important people. For me they are the meanings and motivatons for living. And I am happy that I don’t have enough time to do all the things I want to.

So I think it’s good to smoke or eat bad foods if they satisfy you…to some measures.
Anyway I want to live meaningful life rather than long life.

Life expectancy


Way back in the past, life expectancy was about 20 years but now when we opened the lid it turned out that we could live for about 63 years or more. The reasons for our longer life expectancy are not only by genes but by the lifestyle. 80% of the factors of longer life expectancy are related to your lifestyle. In the end, if you have better genes, outlook, diet, exercise and an active mind you can live up to 100 years or so.


As I measured my life expectancy rate in this class I realized that I am able to live for about 80 years more from now on, if I live in a right way. This measure can easily be changed. You can subject your life expectancy rate by living in a bad situation or doing bad action. On the other hand, you can add your life expectancy rate by doing more good or the evolution of medical treatment may add it too. So I think this means that our life expectancy rate is unlimited because we don’t know and we can’t guess how far the medical treatment may evolve within our life span.

I believe in the future, future which I am over 200 years old. Some may think “I want to live until I am 80 years old and I want to die quietly” or “I don’t want to live longer, if I live longer it means I’m going to be lonely” , why think in a negative way? Think on the bright side, if you live longer you can go to a lot of place for vacation. You can have a lot of life experience and many people would admire you.

Thinking on the bright side is the key point for longer life expectancy. As I said in the summary ‘’ an active mind’’.

My reaction about “Despite graphic battle scenes, Russell Crowe’s sons will accompany him to The Water Diviner premiere in Sydney”

CHILDREN should not be spared from the brutal truth of war, according to Russell crow, who is taking his two young sons to the world premiere of his directional debut in Sydney on Tuesday night. The Water Diviner, which tells the story of a father (Crowe) who travels to Gallipoli after the war to properly bury his three sons, includes a number of graphic battlefield flashbacks. When he won a Best Actor Oscar for his performance, he said that it’s definitely a film that you take our kids to. He wants children to watch the movie.
He describes The Water Diviner as “unashamedly anti-war”. He said that however we often romanticize what things mean, we should describe the reality. In addition, he felt it was important to canvas both sides of the story.

It is hard for me to watch violence movies because I feel scared. Children must feel similarity. But it is important to convey the history of wars. And it is good for us to use the movie to learn it. The Water Diviner is not horror and killer movies. So I want to children to watch the movie in order to learn the history of wars. We must not forget a lot of wars. However I think that some movies about wars have too many violence scenes to pursue the reality. It is difficult for children to watch the movies. We should be it easy to watch the movie about wars.
It is important the history of war not only one direction but also both sides. According to the view, we will feel different about wars. We should learn wars objectively.

My reaction to Geckos inspire ‘Spider-Man’ gloves


Little geckos can climb walls and much research has been trying to clarify how they climb, yet results of those investigations has proven that using gecko adhesion to work at larger scales without any loss of performance was difficult. However, Stanford University’s team invented hand-sized silicone pads which were inspired from geckos. People who weigh 70kg can climb vertical glass wall when they use the silicone pads. The pads will be used for soldiers when they need climb up without ropes and ladders.


This new technology will be helpful and useful for soldiers, workers, toy companies, and kids in many situations. Firstly, it is very useful when soldiers need climb up silently or there is nowhere ropes can hang. And they can carry out their duty with less baggage. Secondly, especially for steeplejack, it can improve their safety when they work at bad scaffolds or high places. Finally, maybe new toys will be made and toy companies can profit by them and kids can play new style games in the open.

The death calculator


In old days, humans were expected to live for around 20 years. However as the time went by the average life expectancy got much longer and now the world life expectancy is around 63 years. Moreover, if you are lucky enough to live in a developed country, there is a big chance of you to have a longer life. You may think long life is a result of luck and genes, but it is said that it is mainly depending on your life style. In your life style, there are mainly five factors that will depend you on how long you will live your life. They are genes, outlook, diet, exercise and active mind. Therefore, if you want a longer life, you should take care of those five factors!



“Life and death” is the topic that humans always discuss and worry about. There is no way of you to escape from the death, but still, people search for ways to get a longer life. When I was in middle school, I used to tell my family and friends that I only want to live until 40 or 50 years old. When I think about that, I feel like it is pretty short. Back then I didn’t have future plans. Therefore I never imagined how my life is going to be. However, now that I am in university and my future is becoming more and more solid, I would say that the life with only 40 or 50 years are too short.

You can never find out how much time you have left in your life time. However, I believe it is not the years that are important in your life. If you can live everyday with your best and no regret, then that is the best life you can get!

How long I live


Human being’s life expectancy is getting much longer than before. Two thousand years ago, its average was only 7000 days because of the luck of hygiene, good nutrition and so on. Now the world average is 63 years. If you’re lucky enough to live in developed country, you can expect even longer one. Fortunately, however, luck and gene account for only 20% of the factors of lifespan expectancy. Long life is closely related to outlook, diet, excercise, and active minds besides them. So basically, 80% of them are controlable. How long you live depends on how you live.


I never imagined that my lifespan is that long. 89 years sounds pretty outrageous. I’m not sure I feel happy to have a long life when I get old. What if my husband has been already dead? What if I can’t even walk by myself? I remember my Turkish friend asked me “What is the average life expectancy in Japan?” I told him it’s about 80 years. He suddenly opened his eyes wide making his “Oh my goodness you have to live another 60 years” face. After wrote sentences above, I began to feel like “No matter how much I worry about the future, it wouldn’t do any good.” And I realized that’s why I will live that long. Still I can’t say living long is absolutely fortunate, the least I could make it so with my positive mind.


93 Years old!?

Summary: Last class, we did an activity, that calculated our life expectancy. Each of our life expectancy were determined by answering the yes, no questions that had a scientific proof for shortening lifespan. According to the article, longevity of our life depends on five factors: genes, outlook, diet, exercise, and active mind. Therefore, all the questions were somehow related with these 5 factors, such as “had cosmetic surgery after age 30?,” which asks about your outlook and active mind. Starting from age 79, we answered 22 questions and added or subtracted the number to calculate the age we’re going to die. MY life was estimated to be 93 years.

Reaction: I was glad that I can live much longer than the average life expectancy in Japan. I think there are 3 reasons to this result. First, I have a positive mind toward many things in daily life. That made me answer the correct, in the “active mind” question. Second, I care about my diet very much, to maintain a best performance in my sports. For example, in nutrition, I try to lessen the food with many fats, and try to increase protein and carbohydrates in my meal. Third, I exercise in daily basis. I’m an athlete, so this is obvious.

As a conclusion, this activity was a good chance for me to reflect my living style. It turned out to be OK, so I will continue with my diet and exercise as possible.  And of course, I will keep up with my active/positive mind until I die 73 years later.

My reaction about “Andy Warhol pop-art exhibition opens at Tate Liverpool”


A unique Andy Warhol exhibition featuring more than100 examples of his work has opened in Tate Liverpool. Andy Warhol was a leading proponent of the “pop art” genre. “Pop art” is a post-war style based on vivid imagery from popular culture. He was famous for producing works featuring Marilyn Monroe and Elvis Presley, as well as pieces highlighting everyday items like soup cans. He tried to challenge the traditional separation between high and low culture, and he believed that art was for everyone, so tried to get his work out there to the biggest audience possible.

I agree with Andy Warhol that art is for everyone, but now, in fact, there are arts which only rich people can enjoy. It is called “high culture”. High and low culture is separate. High culture is more classically and traditionally than low culture, so we have to pay a large of money if we enjoy high culture. For example, Opera, Ballet, classical music, Nou and Kabuki. However, I believe that arts of all genre should be enjoyed equal for everyone all over the world. I think art is an extremely important object in our lives, because we can relax and get a lot of powers from many arts. In fact, I became well again when I listen to my favorite music. So, I believe that the cost of high culture should be reduced similar to low culture.

Regin, new computer spyware, discovered by Symantec


Symantec, a leading computer security company, says it has discovered one of the most sophisticated piecies of malicious software ever seen. The bug, named Regin, was probably created by a government. Once installed on a computer, it can do things like capture screenshots, steal passwords or recover deleted files. It is said that computers in Russia, Saudi Arabia and Ireland have been hit most, and it has been used to spy on government organisations and business and so on. It is also said that it likely took months to develop and its creators have gone to great lengths to cover its tracks. Regin’s purpose appears to be to collect information.


The present age, there are a lot of resk of computer virus on the other hand it is a convenient very good thing for gathering information and using social network and so on to spread computer. We must focus on this resk of computer. Like Regin, the bug of computer can attect on other countries’ server, and it can develop to an international problem in addition war. The government should enforce securities and computer security company should develop new systems to overcome the computer virus. It will be probably vicious circle, we must never bear up the computer virus. To protect individual information and internatinal relationship.





My reaction-about problems of the computer spyware

 Our topic was about “Regin”, a new computer spyware developed by a government.
 A major IT company says that Regin was probably created by a government, because the spyware developed in very short term and worked so sophisticated. It has ever attacked computers in Russia, Saudi Arabia and Ireland. Once the computers were attacked, they would be stolen their passwords or recovered their deleted files. It is still unclear what country’s government developed this spyware, although someone predict that a western organization did.
  When I first read this article, I feel very surprised about sophistication of cyber attack among all over countries. Then I thought two problems on this topic.
First was this attack’s anonymity. Only a half century before, “War” or “Terrorism” meant an attack by real weapons or real soldier. However, now the governments are able to attack their enemies by using such computer spywares. Their special feature is, I think, anonymity. When someone attack computers owned by the other country, they need not to go to the place or face their enemy. I think this way can attack them without suffering from a guilty conscience.
  Second was Japanese legislative system with reference to cyber attacks. I felt that Japanese people and also Japanese government have less sense of impending crisis. If we pass a new law about preventing us from these attacks as soon as possible, Japan would also have a significant damage by attacks from the other countries.