My reaction about public shouting match – “Osaka mayor vs. head of anti-Korean group”

Osaka mayor Toru Hashimoto invited Makoto Sakurai, who was a head of Zaitokukai, one of the anti-Korean groups and had a meeting. However, not only they could not find their point of compromise, they just criticized what the other said.
Hashimoto said Sakurai and Zaitokukai discriminate Koreans as all of them hate Japanese and discriminate Japanese. Also he told Sakurai that Osaka city do not want people who are racists.
One of Korean journalist did not want people to think the two were similar because their attitudes looked like same.

I watched the full video of this meeting on Youtube. For my surprise, before Hashimoto appeared, Sakurai scolded journalists who came to the meeting one by one, because he thought they painted Zaitokukai in lurid colors in their reports. Looking his attitude like a teacher scolded little students, I got bad impression to Sakurai. This impression did not change until the meeting ended when Hashimoto went out from the room, with being abused by Sakurai like “A coward!”
I thought Hashimoto was right then. However, a comment on Youtube made me thinking. The comment said the meeting was a strategy of Hashimoto, to plant bad feeling in people’s mind in over world.
After I read the comment, I realized the power of media, editing information into “News” and telling us.
In my opinion, we sometimes have to get original information.
I do not mean all media are not good like Sakurai. Media summarize original information to understand easily. However, at same time, they reduce information which is not important or good for them.
How we can get information like this?
I think the answer is finding first information –original. Useful tools like Youtube will help that.
To know whole information of “news”, we have to get first information and think about it by ourselves.

Brazil elections: Dilma Rousseff promises reform after poll win

President Dilma Rousseff narrowly won re-election to a second term in office. She remains popular with poor Brazilians thanks to her government’s welfare programs, though she faced mass protests last year against corruption and poor services. Wyre Davies analyzes that the standards of public services across the country in health, education and basic sanitation are too low for a country that prides itself on having the seventh largest economy in the world. This government deserves credit for helping to bring millions of people out of poverty but, as a result, public expectations here are now much higher. It is undeniable that life for most Brazilians has improved immeasurably during the PT’s mandate so far.

In Japan, we have never had a female president, so this kind of news is new. And it is surprising that she has been in power for 4 years and will be in power for another 4 years. It is also surprising that she could be in power after the corruption. Another articles say that she was imprisoned for 3 years for her role in the underground resistance, and say that she is a football mad(It’s like Merkel). Despite the fact that she did a wrong thing in the past, she remains popular in Brazil, I think she is a great leader like an iron lady.


Reactions of “Japan ministers Yuko Obuchi and Midori Matsushima quit”

Japan’s minister Obuchi and Matsushima has resigned almost at the same time.
Ms Matsushima had been accused by the opposition of violating election laws. Ms Obuchi was alleged to have misused her political funds
PM Shinzo Abe who brought them into his cabinet said he took responsibility and that they would be replaced within a day
Ms Obuchi was tipped by some as a future prime minister, but allegation emerged that her staff had misused campaign funds. She apologized for being unable to contribute to key goals set by Abe, including “a society where women shine”

After I read this article, I think it is stupid news.
Mr Abe wants to bring more women into top level of government, but I don’t think that is not good way.
I think Japan is not male chauvinism but female supremacy recently. If there are more women in the cabinet, they are more predominant in Japan. You may say that if there are many men in the cabinet, feminists get angry, but I think the best way of equality of the sexes is that.
At present, there isn’t the public tendency to discriminate against women in Japan, so even if there are only men in the Diet, it doesn’t become male supremacy. But how about turning this situation?
And there is more important problem. That is the policy to bring women into cabinet actively .It isn’t necessary to bring them into by force. Brilliant people must be ministers, so it should not be restricted that more women must become them. As this article, that policy brought about disaster.
I think it is good that more excellent women go into top level of government, but should stop the public tendency to bring them into government by force

Ebola outbreak: Obama asks Australia for help


America and Britain have requested Australia to work more together for preventing the epidemic of Ebola in West Africa, but Australia has only  made a donation. Australian Prime minister claimed that Australia is too distant from Africa and it will not send Australian medical teams until it can ensure their safety. He thinks that Australia has to concentrate efforts for taking measures against the potential outbreak in Asia. However, the opposition parties have asked for the government the more cooperation with other countries against Ebola, so Prime minister reconsider the requests for relief.


I feel the difficulty of  the international cooperation from this article. This action by Australia( refuse sending medical team)is right in terms of national defense against Ebola. But if many countries refuse the cooperation, the damage of Ebola increases all over the world. The leader nation should  do the international cooperation activity as long as own nation benefits.

However, this problem shows the trouble of medical intervention on the other hand. In some cases, African people disobey the request of improvement for living because of their cultures and the advanced countries can not stop the spread of Ebola.

I think it is important for keeping the damage of Ebola at a minimum to give the knowledge of Ebola as well as the international cooperation.