Yuzuru Hanyu collided with Chinese skater at Cup of China-My reaction


Yuzuru Hanyu who is an Olympic champion was injured on his chin and had a concussion of his brain because of his collision.

The Cup of China was held at the Shanghai. The accident happened while athletes were preparing for their free program. Hanyu collided with chinese Han Yan. Hanyu was bleeding from his chin.  He couldn’t stand up for a while. Hanyu’s coach, Brian Orser told him to take care of himself. However, he decided to take part in the free program. He skated with “Phantom of Opera” and finished in second place. He scored 237.55. Hanyu was extremely surprised when he looked at his score so he bawled and appeared overjoyed.


My reaction

I’d like to discuss this topic from two points of view. The first point is whether figure is a sport or not. Second is about the most important thing for athletes.

First, figure is different from other sports, such as soccer and basketball. In most sports, athletes shoot at the goal, but in figure, judges give a decision on their performances. This is why it is often said that figure isn’t a sport.

However, I think figure is a kind of sport because athletes don’t contend with men and women together in competitions. For example, in competitions of painting or playing the piano, prizes are given to artists and performers without distinguishing by their sex. On the other hand, female and male athletes are divided in sports including figure.This is why I think figure is a sport.

Secondly, which is more important for an athlete, his health or his pride? Hanyu finished his performance to the end so audience were strongly impressed. On the other hand, his coach and people were involved in the competition were worried about Hanyu’s physical condition. Some people said that Hanyu shouldn’t participate in the competition.

I think Hanyu’s judgment was right. If he had given up skating, experience of accident would have become a trauma. Before causing a severe trauma, he had to overcome his fear.This is why I think Hanyu had to take part in the competition not only for his pride but also his future.





The story of “Winnie the Pooh” is very famous in the world. The story was first appeared in the London Evening News in 1925 by Alan A Milne. Today this story is translated into more than 40 languages and is read around the world.

Captain Harry Colebourn, who was a Canadian soldier, got a bear cub across the Atlantic when he was staying near Wiltshire. When he went to war in France, he gave the cub to London Zoo. He named it Winniepeg after his hometown. To make it shorter, he was named Winnie. It is he that inspired the story of “Winnie the Pooh.” Christopher Robin, who appears in the story, stemed from Alan’s own son. Other charming characters are inspired by stuffed animals which he had those days.

Though I have read the story many times, I did not know the backgrounds of “Winnie the Pooh.” I never imagined that Pooh comes from the cub donated to London Zoo by a captain in war. I came to realize that there are lots of stories passed down not only in Japan but also in foreign countries. They could be both fiction and nonfiction. I think the point is that all the story handed down by ancestors have lessons or something they want to tell descendants. This story could be intended to show the pity of a cub which was isolated by war done by human beings. In Japan, stories from abroad are so familiar with us. It may be interesting for us to think about history or the way they think in foreign countries.

A failure of a ballot by protesters in Hong Kong



Protesters in Hong Kong called off a ballot about whether to accept government concessions or not. This is because protesters’ opinions about a format of the vote were divided and protest leaders thought they could not hold it. In Hong Kong, a lot of protesters, especially students, have requested the government to receive “full democracy” and done sit-ins since September. At first, Hong Kong government did not allow these actions and tried to suppress them. However, protesters have stood up to this and the government has no choice but to make a concession about democratic system. Considering a failure of a ballot to decide protesters’ policy, it is hard for both the government and protesters to find a point of compromise.


My opinion


I think that protesters should get opinions in shape and decide clearly what they demand for the government. Now, opinions of protesters were divided and they do not unite. If this situation continues, the government will try to attack them by inner maneuver and oppression. In addition, an internal strife over the course of the campaign can happen. To avoid this and realize the first democratic society in China, demonstrators have to unite and decide their policy.  In conclusion, the ballot should be held as soon as possible.

Hong Kong protesters

Pritesters in Hong Kong decided to hold over the vote whether to accept several goverment concessions because of a lack of discussion with protesters. But it doesn’t mean protesters stop demonstration. They still have the will to fight against the government.

Why people in Hong Kong are fighting against Chinese government ? It is caused by the inequality of elections. Chinese government has ruled that candidates for the chief executive election must be vetted by nominating committee dominated by pro-Beijing groups. In short, Hong Kong people have been deprived their freedom of politic participation by the government.
In my country, Japan, everybody can announce one’s candidacy. But it isn’t in Hong Kong. I surprised because what I think it’s natural is not natural. Many people around me may not know the value of freedom about politics. Now, I’m 20 so I have the right to vote. Using this right, I’ll positively participate Japanese politics. I believe if people have the will of paticipating politics, the government must be changed. To get the precondition as the participation to politics, I want to support to Hong Kong protesters.

Disney Makes Space for Snow White With Tokyo Expansion

The article talked about Tokyo Disney Resort.

Oriental Land Co., the owner of Tokyo Disney Resort, is planning to expand property. The company has begun developing Fantasyland, 10 year plan and will also create a new themed port, to be adjoining DisneySea park.

Some analyst said that Tokyo Disney Resort is at full capacity and it won’t be able to attract more users.

Actually, remodeling of Disney’s California Adventure theme park has boosted attendance.

Tokyo Disney Resort is always crowded. Since this theme park have good quality, and is favorably located. We can alive to the theme park from downtown in about 1 hour. To expand space and to create a new theme port adjoining Tokyo Disney Land and Sea will alleviate crowd and increase visitors. It needs to increase employee and keep high quality.

Other theme parks should get something out from Tokyo Disney Resort. They needs to take measures of anyone isn’t tired to increase repeaters.

I want to increase spots which give not only children but also adults a dream and extraordinary experiences. These will stimulate invention. So, it will give us not only material something, but also mental benefits. Mental benefits give good influence to human activity. At last it creates a virtuous circle.

the problem of copyright

The UK government is going to allow museums, publishers and film-makers to use “orphan works” which don’t have their makers freely if they research seriously.

I think protection of copyright is so important. By insistence of law which protects that right artists or writers can create things safely. If we can use these creations freely, they can’t earn money. It means their lives are threatened. But the part which choose or buy them examine creations. When we choose or buy clothes, we go to the shop, watch them and sometimes try them. Like that we want to choose music.

 In the internet there are many sites which we can listen to music freely at. Of course that we upload or download famous things without permission may not be good. It can be illegal on the situation. But it is fact that there are many meaningless creations among a large amount of music. I think we can use these sites to find good creations between them.

Actually we invest the artists by some means if we admit their arts to be good. For example we go to see his live performances or his exhibition. For artists there are also good things. Being uploaded their creations can be advertisement for artists.


We should be discuss about these themes with both sides.



A canadian soldier, Cpt Harry Colebourn brought the bear across the Atlantic in 1914. When he went to war in France, however, he donated his bear named Winnie to London Zoo.  By the way, The story of  ‘Winnie the Pooh’ was made by Alan Alexander(AA), first appeared in the London. Winnie the Pooh is a character come from the real, Canadian bear  which AA’s son had seen in London Zoo. Christopher Robin was also modeled on AA’s son. Recently, the great-grand daughter of Cot Harry Colebourn, Lindsay  Mattick visited to the UK and she was introduced to Derek de Selincourt, the cousin of the late Christopher Robin Milne. Lindsay showed him extracts from Mr Coleborn’s diary including one  that showed when he bought Winnie.


I had been thought that the stories of ‘Winnie the Pooh ‘was the original story of Disney because I had seldom seen the Pooh except as a character of Disney . The fact that Winnie the pooh was a real bear and other characters had their own models surprised me a lot. And I was also surprised at the miracle that two persons who are closely related to Pooh met and had a conversation. It means that two persons were brought together by one story. I think that is more dramatic than fiction story.  After reading this article, I became to want to read the original stories of ‘Winnie the Pooh’ written by Alan Alexander.


my reaction about brazil elections

President Dilma Rousseff has promised to reunite Brazil. She won in re-election with 51.6% of the vote, against center-right canditate Aecio Neves. Ms.Rousseff in Worker’s Party did well in the poorer northern satates. She reamains popular with poor Brazilians thanks to her government’s welfare programms since 2010. By the time she leaves office in 2018, the Worker’s Party will have been in power for 16 years. But she faced mass protests last year against corruption and poor services. So she appeal for unity and dialogue. this government deserves credit for helping to bring millions of people out of poverty but, as a result, public expectations here are now much higher.

I think Workers’ Party tends to win in the elections. In the past, election was limited for people in rich. But today, government was elected by all people. In almost countries, poor people are more than rich ones. So Workers Party is supported by them more than Social Democracy Party which takes many of the welfare for riches. I think that Democratic government exists for helping the weak. So in Brazil, Workers’ Party will have been in power for 16 years.

The great-granddaughter of a Canadian soldier whose bear cub inspired the story of Winnie the Pooh has visited the UK to retrace his footsteps.

Cpt Harry Colebourn brought the bear in 1914. He went to war in France and he donated the bear, called Winnie, to London Zoo. Winnie the Pooh was written by Alan Alexander Milne for his family. At first, the story was called The Wrong Sort of Bees in the London Evening News. The boy in the stories, Cristopher Robin, was named after Milne’s son. He had a favorite teddy bear, which he called Winnie the Pooh. And also, he had other stuffed animals such as a kangaroo, a piglet and a donkey. The characters in the stories based on his toys.
I know Disney’s story but I didn’t know the origin of Winnie the Pooh. Disney has made a lot of movies based on fairy tales. The stories, made by Disney, are a little different from real stories. For example, in The Little Mermaid, the heroine throws herself into the sea. However, in the movie, Princess Ariel gets married to Prince Eric. Almost all of Disney films come to happy end and the good defeats the evil. I think it’s very easy to understand for children.

When I was little, I read the Winnie the Pooh, made by Disney. In the book, Pooh lives in the house which has a doorplate, Alexander.I’ve thought Pooh’s real name is Alexander since then. But I realized its name is author’s name last Tuesday.

three people arrested in turkey by police investingating the soma mine disaster


the article was about the mine which exploded and killed 301 people.the problem was who was responsible for the accident. however, the mining company officials didnt take any responsible. this was the problem in turkey.the government faced a growing anger from the public, with protests in the western city of Izmir, Istanbul and Ankara.

I think the government have a resposibility to tell what happened and why it happened to the people in the country since they are the selected people from the nation. Then, if it is caused by the government mainly, i think the government has to take care of the people who was involved in the accidents.

government is the most important organization in the country and that is why government have to be trusted. i think the government have to remember this and act sincerely.