Chinese masked men – My Reaction

Pro-democracy student groups are demanding for full voting rights in the next election in 2017. However, Chinese government wants full control over the list of candidates who can stand in that election, and so denies the demand. As a result, protest has been still continued and there have been scuffles between police and pro-democracy groups. Recently, a new type of gruop appears, which is consisted of masked men who waers sugical-masks. Police seems cooperate with these masked men to tear down the barricades and to  finish this protest. Police even announced that if people resist againt these masked men, they will be arrested. Today, protesters are still trying to oppose the government for their rights

After reading this article, I wander who the masked men are. We can think simply that they are just ordinary people who support current communist government and work as an anti-occupy group. There is also another opinion about the gruop. Some of the pro-democracy protester say that the masked men look like gangstars. As a hypothesis, in my opinion, the masked men are gangstars and they might be even hired by the government to calm down the protesters. I think it is not fair to suppress non-violent movement by violence.  Any authorities should not just control their fellows only by power. They should correspond to the problems sincerely and try to work out the best solutions. I hope the Chinese people and the government will reach an agreement about the voting rights and have a fair election in 2017.



The Australian government decided about religion. It was prohibited that women who wear the Vail enters the parliament. Most Islam people always wear the Veil to cover the face without eye. This law was made because recently the risk of Muslim terrorism has been increasing. Australia has joined the US-led coalition fighting IS in Iraq, and domestically, police have conducted anti-terror raids in recent weeks. But there are also objections. some people say there was no reason for people with faces covered to be considered a specific threat. In fact, this law was finished in two weeks.

My opinion

I think this law is not good. Certainly there is a lot of bad rumors against Islam. However, as also in the text, not all Islamic bad. law that country determines the national outfits are infringing the freedom. War on terror is a political story. We do not treat general people as terrorists. . The fight against terrorism should be solved by dialogue, can not be solved by prohibition of armed and Islam. I want Australia to be no discrimination country as immigration country.

My opinion -Defamation suit in Korea-

South Korean prosecutors accused former Seoul bureau chief of Sankei Shimbun newspaper, Tatsuya Kato of defamation. Prosecutors claim, he wrote that president Park Geun Hye had had a secret meeting with a man when there had been a ship accident on April 16th, on the news website. And they say this story is based on only a rumor among stockbrokers and other South Korean newspaper so Mr. Kato didn’t make some efforts to check the reliability and wrote falsehoods. Mr. Kato has denied the fault because the press has a value for the public. President Takamitsu Kumasaka of the company also demanded to cancel the charge. And Japanese Foreign Minister Fumio Kishida felt this suit was very regrettable and he was also anxious about the problem which concerned the freedom of press and Japan-Korea relationship.


This topic includes the problem whether the expression about president and politics has limitation or not. The press would cause some criticisms to the president or politics. Hence, it may be a beneficial press for the public. However, this story isn’t on a magazine but a news site so people must believe the story. So Editors should be refrained from such a rush behavior.

Under the Japanese criminal law, if you can prove that the story which is beneficial for the public is the fact, you won’t be punished for defamation. But people who write the story based on rumors or write without some researches wiil be punished. This suit isn’t in Japan but from a legal point of view, editors who swallow a rumor deserve to be punished. On the other hand, there are some opinions that president is a public person so she should stand that kind of presses, and even in Korea, people blame that the national power mustn’t invade the freedom of expression.

I think both side have each faults. Editors should take responsibility for that press but president has a chance to excuse herself so she shouldn’t make a criminal suit. I want journalists to write more beneficial contents and claim substantial opinions.

My reaction about “Seoul:Pyongyang Sancton Unchanged”

The South Korean president Park Geun-hye said her government is open to the idea for the North and South try to resolve the issue through dialogue. However May 24 sanctions prevent Park to execute plans explained in her Dresden Declaration. In Dresden Declaration, she made a three-point proposal to North Korea for the humanity, co-prosperity, and integration of the two Koreas, but the relation between South and North doesn’t carry out yet. In a recent poll, almost South Koreans want to improve this bad relation between South and North.

After reading and discussing this article, I thought South and North should make a good relationship. I have two reasons. Then I tell you about these reasons.
First, May 24 sanctions make bad effect to Korean economy, because these sanctions ban all inter-Korean trade and investment activities. If it improves, I think Korean economy grows up. Two Koreans should follow “German unify”. German succeeded nation unification. As a result, an unemployment rate came down and carried out economic growth.
Second, I believe that the most important thing is peace between two nations. A battle only causes problem. In other hand, a peace makes us happy.
In conclusion, I believe that two Koreans should make a good relation. I hope to arrive at a solution as soon as possible.

My reaction to “Seoul: Pyongyang Sanction Unchanged”


The South Korean president, Park Geun-hye,remarked her govenrment  is open to the idea to try to resolve the isuue between North and South Korea. This sincere comment is showing her positive attitude. At the same time, it would encourage Pyongyang to have an important dialogue.  Problem is that it would not be possible to carry out proposals explained in Dresden Declaration without changing the May 24 sanctions. In this regard, it was found
in a recent poll the South Korean public expect improvement of the situation.


I hope I’m not the only one who surprised by recent poll took in South Korea. It revealed not only the government but also the South Korean public is positive to make a change on the long-term relations. This result shows there have been moves to try to have a genuine talk with the North. If the two Koreas made substantial dialogue, other divded countries could also be affected. I’m worried this declaration won’t change the situation, though.  It is true that Ms.Park’s proposals raised a hope for better relationship,  still they sound a bit vague. In this meaning, the importance of solving  the 24 May sanction got clearer than before. Yes, the door is open. Now the world is watching whether the two Koreas will get in there.
How the North Korea would respond and what they would discuss will be a hot topic.


My reaction about the article “Australia lifts parliament ban on face coverings”


The Australian government has changed a decision to forbid women wearing full-face Islamic veils to access to parliament in Canberra.

The decision was made because of growing concern about the threat of terror attacks in Australia.

Actually, there were rumors that a group of people were planning to attend prime minister’s questions on 2 October wearing veils and stage a protest in the public gallery.

Before that change, anyone visiting the building with their face covered would have to sit in a separate area of the public gallery, but right now, visitors are free to move the public spaces of the building with facial coverings after they show their face briefly to security.

My opinion

After I read this article, I strongly felt that the  images to religion we have can be dangerous thing. Actually, I don’t have any good images to Islam because I hear a lot of bad rumors or news of Islam through the media. Actually, I even feel scary to Islam.

In this article, there were rumors that the  people wearing veils would stage a protest in the public gallery and the government made the initial decision. I think the decision was made because the government had prejudice to Islam like Islam is dangerous religion.

If the government has such prejudice, it can cause discrimination to come religion, and it can even cause the violation of people who believe that religion. We must avoid that.

My reaction to “China Communist Party plenum begins in Beijing”

A big meeting of Chinese communist Party leaders focuses on the rule of law and fighting corruption has begun in Beijing. Communist Party has about 90 million members but power resides with the Central Committee. Unfortunately, the role of the attendees is merely to nod through the policies set out by Communist Party leader and national president Xi Jinping. The party released a statement highlighting the importance of the law. However, critics say he does not intend to make the Communist Party itself subject to the law by , for example , setting up an independent judiciary.

My opinion
Reading and discussing this article helps me know better what Chinese Communist party is like. I didn’t know that the Central Committee is the highest organization of the Chinese communist party until I researched. Chinese political system and Japanese political system are very different. I firmly believe just nodding through the policies set out by person with power is not democracy. And I think the rule of law in Japan and that in China are also different. The rule of law in Japan is under democracy and actions of everybody is restricted by law, including the president. But the rule of law in China is under communism and it could strengthen power of president because he isn’t bound by law. I think such a rule of law is not a complete rule of law. Although having said that, the move from the rule of men to that of law is a big change because adopting the rule of law will lead to sticking the knife into vested interests.

My reaction about 「“instagram for doctors” to be launched in Europe 」



An app which shares the photos that draws the condition of patients was released for doctors or medical students. The pictures of this  app ,“instagram  for doctors ” are uploaded by more than 150,000 doctors. It is epoch-making idea  but there are problems about patients’ credentials. Moderators check the photos before it is added to the databases to provide their personal information. However there are rare cases of patients and if someone found the we can identify them.




I think it is useful app for human to develop medical technology.  Anybody can download this application for free and of course there are privacy issues. so I want to suggest an idea for this app . This idea is that we change this app  for  only doctors or medical students and then we can protect their privacy and they can research. Although if we change this app there are some problems ,(ex to cost a lot of money to certify medical people  on the app)I think it is good way to protect privacy and research cases of patients

My reaction to humanity’s global battle with mosquitoes

Mosquitoes bite the human and they bring many diseases for example, chikungunya and malaria. We want to wipe mosquitoes out for protecting from many diseases that mosquitoes carry, but we cannot remove mosquitoes easily because they have important roles in ecosystem. There are some ways to control the number of mosquitoes such as insecticides. According to Prof Hilary Ranson, an evidence base is need for getting rid of mosquitoes. The parasites which are brought by mosquitoes take about 10days to develop in human body. The mosquito’s lifespan is only three weeks so it needs to pick up the pathogen early in its life to pass it on. It will be effective to reduce the daily survival rate.

For me, mosquitoes are only harmful insects because if I was bitten by them I feel really itchy and it is possible to suffer from some diseases. However, I know that such mosquitoes have important roles in the environment. So we should heed that the number of mosquitoes decrease too much.
I think that we should equip some items which give out ultrasonic waves or special odors which mosquitoes dislike and avoid. The method can achieve to protect from mosquitoes without killing them. It can be not only prevent from biting by them, but also need not decrease the number.

My reaction about ‘Instagram for doctors’ to be iaunched in Europe

This article is an app which help doctors share pictures of their patients. This app called ‘Instagram for doctors’ was started selling in Europe. More than 150,000 doctors have uploaded case photos, but some experts have worried about patient confidentiality. Patients’ face and identifying marks like tattoos are blinded by the app.

Founder Dr. Josh Landy told that the best way to protect patient’s identity is not to have any personal medical data. In addition, he told that if some rare disease were uploaded case photos, the patients could have been identified. Anybody can download the app for free, but only verified healthcare professional can upload or comment on them, he added.

I think that Instagram for doctors is a good app because doctors can resolve some rare cases. It is too difficult for doctors to cure incurable disease by themselves. If many doctors are involved in treatments, it will be able to cure the incurable disease. To share photos of their patients leads to save many lives.

But I am worried about identifying the patients in the app. No matter how doctors try to hide their patients, in rare cases, we can identify who is the picture. It is important that protect the privacy of patients. So we should do that only doctors are to be able to see ‘Instagram for doctors’. However, I think that more important thing is to clarify what is the incurable disease. I want to help ‘Instagram for doctors’ to resolve many medical problems.