My reaction to Obama:Soul-searching needed on high gun violence


US president Barack Obama said, ” The country  must repent of  the increase of shootings  in recent years.”  In America, gun-related crime and accident  happen in many places, for example schools, universities and places of work. ” It’s terrible for me that many American people take mass shootings at rates that are extremely higher than any place else for granted.” Mr obama said.He has required stricker gun control laws, but the powerful gun lobby, especially the National Rifle Association has made a forceful move against it.

My opinion

This problem is very difficult to think for me because of the difference between Japan and America. Many Japanese feel that the gun is very dangerous ,so the gun control laws are no wonder. However, American people, notably the National Riffle Association adovocates the gun control laws are the way to take away freedom from people. The slogan of this groupe is “Guns don’t kill people; people kill people.”: they think American’s violence  proceeds mainly from mental health issues. Therefore, I can’t say “The gun control laws should be pushed” lightly. Still, the gun is the weapon to be able to kill the human easily. If people have the freedom to use the gun, they must be take responsibility for the gun. I believe ” With great power comes great responsibility.” in the words of famous American comics.

Reaction: US withdraws troops in Afghanistan by 2016

Summary: President Obama announced that he has a plan to shrink the U.S troops in Afghanistan to 9,800 by the start of next year, from current force of 32,000 .  His aim is to end the war in in Afghanistan which has been lasting for 15 years. He will withdraw all of the troops from Afghanistan before he ends his president’s career.

Reaction:  My first impression to this article was worry. It is said that U.S plays an important role in maintaining peace in the Middle East. What happens if the troops in Afghanistan leave the area?  There are some military bases in Saudi Arabia, but is it enough? I worry about these issues, because gasoline price is boosting  nowadays in Japan. U.S Army protects the sea lane at the Strait of Hormuz (only access  to the Gulf States by ship,) but can they preserve the peace after they leave Afghanistan? If not, the gasoline price in Japan can increase even more,  which can damage my wallet badly.

Another concern is the gaining power of extreme Islamic group called ISIS (Islamic State in Iraq & Syria. ) They have taken over some areas in Syria and Iran and claimed the establishment of “Islamic State.” The group has already done some extreme actions in the Middle East, and Africa, which has led to a large number of deaths. Therefore, much more peace keeping action is required in the countries around that area. My opinion is exact opposite with the content in the article; there are much necessity of U.S army’s  (“The World’s Police”) power in the Middle East to go against such  group.

My reaction to Migrant Processing Center in Texas


The U.S government plans to turn an empty warehouse into a processing facility for un accompanied children who heve entered the country illegally. More than 52,000 unaccompanied minors have been arrested  since October. Most of the children are from Honduras, Guatemala, and El Salvador.Many are fleeing widespread gang violence, and some are looking to reunite with parents already in the United States. Homeland security Secretary Jeh Jonson wrote an open letter to Central American parents warning them of the dangers of such a journey and emphasizing that the children could be deported.

My opinion

I think that the responsibility of the parents should be pursued. As the article says, letting children go other countries illegally is very risky and their parents should be worried about them. Although wide spread gang volence in hometown is also dangerous, it can’t justify parents letting children run away alone. I believe that authority should regulate those parents in order to prevent those parents from letting thier children fleeing alone. Child migrant processing center won’t be helpful until these measurements are taken because the number of unaccompanied minors have incredibly increased and the facility couldn’t accommodate all of them.

My reaction to Facebook fights ‘largest ever’ US court data request.

Facebook is fighting a US court order in which it was forced to hand over data belonging to almost 400 people involved in a benefit fraud trial. A judge said the company, defined as a “digital landlord” by the ruling, must comply with search warrants. After an appeal was denied, Facebook complied with the request but protested that it violated the Fourth Amendment of the US constitution, which protects against “unreasonable searches and seizures”. The original case is that people pretended to have disabilities, and were going to get money from the government, so the court needed their Facebook accounts as an evidence. It’s right for the company to claim that this search violated the law, but when we compare the weight of benefits of keeping the information secret, and the loss of evidence, it’s clear which is more important. The information on accounts must be a crucial evidence. The company’s image will be worsened a little, but in the long run Facebook can prevent future crimes like what happened this time. So I think Facebook should coorperate with the court.