What I believe in the best way to live


I believe that the best way to live our lives is to do the things what you really want.

I`m now driving for being an attorney for the foreseeable future. So I`m making effort for the bar examination now.

When I was borned, my uncle have became an attorney at the same year. So I had a few chances to go to law court. In those days, I`m not specially attracted to being an attorney and so on. Maybe I have not been sured what my uncle was doing in the place and I just watched only figures then.

But when I became an elementary school student, I finally knew that he was making to save many people in that place. I was really amazed and at the same time  I thought  the job that my uncle was doing was so stunning. At once, I talked to my uncle the things that I thought and told him that I wanted to be an attorney like him in the future. Then he told me “The best way to live our lives is to do the things what you really what” . So I wrote the thing about wanting to be an attorney in the future to a collection of compositions published by my elementary school then.

So here I am, 19 years old, I enterned the faculty school of law in Keio University and I`m now trying to realize my dream that I really desired from early childhood. Maybe there are a lot of difficulties in my process. But I`m really grad for being in the places that makes me able to do what I really love and also I`m happy with what I am doing now.

Some people say that only few people can realize their dream and do the things what you really want. But I think it`s not true. Because everybody has each chances to realize their dreams and do the things what you really want. I think that the difficult point is finding the “thing” what you really love or want. This is also the key point in this case. For me, the “thing” is being an attorney.

I think if you are doing what you love or want, there is much more happiness. And this will be the best way to live our lives.

My reaction about “Texas Border Towns Help Immigrants”


Thousands of immigrants came from Central America and they have crossed over the Mexican border into the U.S. state of Texas in recent months. Therefore, local communities are providing these weary and hungry immigrants with humanitarian assistance.

But, the city has spent about many bucks on this emergency  opperation. And also some people have decried such assistance as aiding lawbreakers and encouraging more people to cross the border illegally.

So, we have a problem with this, ”Is it a right way to spend much money in order to help?”


I`m agree with spending money in order to help immigrants.

Ofcourse, the money income from tax that was paid from our household economy and some people disagree with this. However,  I thought that we must end up spending much more dollars if the situation does not move. And in my group, we discussed that Japan have to intrude on this immigrants` problem much more. Because, now and in the future, declining birth rate will go higher , but also tax`s cost also go higher.  So, Japan have to invite these kind of imigrants and the those problems will be dissolved.

But there is another problem “If we intrude on immigrant`s problem, will we lost the traditions in our countries?” and we also discussed about this. I think “No”. Because we haven`t never lost those traditions historically. In the history, various incidents happen in counties(not only Japan), but there are few countries that lost their traditions by those incidents.

This is all my reaction about “Texas Border Towns Help Immigrants”.


“Facebook fights largestever”US court data request- My reaction

Facebook is fighting a US court order in which it was forced to submit data belonging in people involved in a benefit fraud trial. Last year some private data was supplied to the court. The Facebook accounts showed that fraudulent claimants of US federal disability benefits were in fact healthy. However it had been veiled and was made public by a judge this week. He demanded that Facebook should comply with search warrants. The company abided by the verdict but protested that it violated the US constitution. There are no date restriction on the warrant and the range of the data request. It mean that the government may keep the data indefinitely. Facebook said that the government had obtained controls on the freedom of the account holder’s speech.

I think that the court should make more clear ruling. The definition, Facebook as “digital landlord”, has not enough details. The validly of the warrants should be within a fixed period of time. The range of data also should be limited. I don’t understand why the judge don’t make clear about that, although t it is necessary subject in order to protect personal data. When unreasonable searches and seizures become been permitted tacitly, the times would go back to the old days. I can understand Facebook are useful to find guilty such as the example last year, but I can’t agree with the judgment.I hope people may use Facebook safely.

My reaction of U.S. plans to curb land mines and join global treaty.

Now, there are about 9 million land mines in the world. In the past the U.S. has always reserved the right to produce more land mines. However, recently the U.S. intends to join Ottawa Convention which prohibits the use, stockpiling, production and transfer of the mines. Steve Goose, head of delegation said the U.S. should join at least set a target date to join the treaty and immediately pledge not to use land mines and begin destruction of its stockpiles.

I agree with Steve Goose, so I believe that the U.S. should sign Ottawa Convention immediately. I have two reasons. First, land mines are used indiscriminate killing. All the lives are precious, but it is cruel and cause inhuman damages. Land mines take a lot of lives of innocent people. Second, I think that there is a method to substitute for land mines. Land mines are used mainly in borders, but there are other methods. For example, making the net with the splinter on borders and making high wall with surveillance camera.

In conclusion, I think all countries must not use land mines, because indiscriminate killing is not good and there are better replacement solutions. So, the U.S. which likes a world leader should join Ottawa Convention as soon as possible. I pray for the peaceful world without the weapons.


US finnally plans to join global treaty, suppress land mines-My Reaction


The Obama administration announced that the US will no longer produce or acquire anti-personnel land mines and plans to join an international treaty . The treaty is called “Ottawa Convention”. It pronibits the use, stockpiling, pruduction and transfer of the mines. The head of delegation for the International Campaign to Ban Landmines, said US announcement is some progress and a positive change, although there is no guarantee or timeline for doing so. Also US still possess over 9 millions land mines in storage around the world. He concluded that US should join at least set a targert date to join the treaty and immediately pledge not to use land mines and begin destruction of its stockpiles.

My Reaction

I truely agree wih banning the use of land mines. I have heard a lot of stories in which innocent people are hurt by those land mines. The people lose their legs, part of bodies or their lives because of the land mines.  It is hazardous. Land mines can not target a specific person or object. So it hurts and kills people randomly. The mines are also very difficult to be removed.  Land mines do not make anybody happy.

I think US action was right and brave, although it is little late to decide to do so.  I hope the movement of banning land mines will have more progress as the big user of land mines has come to end the use of the deadly weapon. Japan actually has not signed the treaty, yet. It is a shame. We should join the treaty and cooperate to prohibit the land mines as fast as possible.


President Obama’s announcement about US troops in Afghanistan


The US president Obama announced the plan to shrink the number of US troops in Afghanistan by the year of 2016. The current number of forces are 32,000 but the plan is to make it less than 9,800 by the start of next year. The war between them started in 2001 and it is still continuing. President Obama suggested of having a certain date to withdraw from Afghanistan, but some of the Republican members criticized the plan of having the egg timer set.


When I first read this article, I felt very doubtful of President Obama’s words. I understand how President Obama wants to end the war as soon as possible, but you can never foretell the course of events. Even if the relationship between the United States and Afghanistan is stable at the time, it can get worse at anytime. Furthermore, by telling the date of their withdrawal, Afghanistan might stop any kinds of terrorism before the withdrawal but restart it when the American troops leave.

As a conclusion, I think setting a goal for the war and announcing the plan is not a good thing for any countries. However, having a strong desire to end the war is always important and without this feeling, I don’t think the war will never vanish from the world.

Illegal migrants of the U.S. – my reaction

In the U.S., illegal migrants are increasing, especially for girls and children under 13.  More than 90% of children caught trying to cross the Mexico-US border without parents come from Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador.
The reasons of migrating are escaping from domestic abuse, the threat of the violent gangs, and poverty.
However, the migrants face many problems after they could get into the U.S., like being sexual assaulted, being forced to work hard with low pay, or hunger.

I am wondering why the illegal migrants come to the U.S. although they meet many problems not only in their countries, but also in the U.S.  The main reason is a contrast of wages.  There are many companies which want low-paid workers to cut off costs like fast food restaurants. Hence, illegal migrants can find high-paid job for them.
However, why are there many children in the illegal migrants?  In this passage, they escaped from fears of death.  In their countries, it is not rare to even rape or kill children.  Surely, the U.S. is safer than these countries.  However, the U.S. deports many illegal migrants and immigrants who made crimes or troubled in the U.S.  This causes a vicious circle; criminals return and increase, public securities become worth, illegal migrants increase…
In my opinion, the U.S. has to help the countries if the U.S. wants to reduce the number of illegal migrants.  Rejections just make the situation worse.

my reaction about Seized Silk Road bitcoin


The auction of 29000 bitcoins seized during a raid on the Silk Road internet market place has been completed. Silk Road, owner Ross William Ulbricht, shut down following raids by the FBI, for trading in illegal drugs. The seized bitcoins are part of the civil forfeiture and criminal action brought against Mr. Ulbricht. The sale of the coins, worth about $18.7m (£11m), was carried out by the US Marshals Service. the agency accidentally leaked a list of some of the buyers in an email update about the sale. Until now Bitcoin has been technically illegal to buy and sell using virtual currencies. But in California, Bitcoin is legalization.

My opinion

This is the first I’ve heard of virtual currency Bitcoin. Silk Road used a large sum of Bitcoin in illegal trading. So when the FBI has seized the Silk Road’s bitcoins, the market price of bitcoin was slumped. I think that digital and virtual currency is dangerous because the market is not systematized enough and out of government’s control. It is easy for criminals to do illegal business by using virtual currency. There are also fears of hacking and theft. So I opposite virtual currency.


Golden Gate Bridge board approval


According to this article, San Francisco bridge officials have approved the construction of suicide-prevention nets alongside the golden Bridge. Since the bridge opened, many people have killed themselves by jumping off the bridge. So, the project that the safety nets was constructed under the bridge started. There are many obstacles, but it was approved because “not one more soul will be lost to this bridge”.

My Reaction

In Japan, people often commit suicide at the tourist attraction. Probably many people have killed themselves since trains are opened. In Japan, there are also safety systems.
For example, the gates between platforms and tracks. I think they are working efficiently about reducing a number of suicides. In this article, some people say those who were suicidal would find another way if those safety system were installed but, I don’t think so. They commit suicide when they think they can be dead easily. Almost people are afraid of being dead, so I don’t think they choose troublesome method in order to kill themselves. In short, safety systems have saved many lives.
Also, how should we do to reduce suicide at the tourist attraction in different way?
It is difficult problem. I think there is no epoch-making solution. Getting rid of the cause of suicide or making environment without bullying are not easy. Perhaps, we can only prevent people from committing suicide when we find them doing.

My reaction to “U.S. sends more agents to border amid child amid child immigrant crisis”


America is in difficulty because of an illegal immigrants problem. These days, more and more immigrants, especially unaccompanied children, from Central America cross the border illegally. To deal with this, American government is sending a lot of agents to the boarder to capture the immigrants. However, there is another problem. The government have to find an answer to how to treat young immigrants who have already been in America. They don’t have their citizenships, so they cannot get a fixed job, take out an insurance policy and go to school. Therefore, American government is at a loss what to do to treat those children.


My opinion

I think America should find a fundamental solution to this illegal immigrants problem. This is because those immigrants cross the border because of their poverty. Now, the economy of Mexico is very bad and people have no choice but to work abroad. Therefore, to stop immigrants, America have to change economic situation of Mexico. A good example of this is to overseas expansion of factories. This enables companies to cut down personal expenses, and people in the country can get more works. In conclusion, America should not only reinforce the guard of the border but also take some fundamental steps to change the economic situation.