We talked about the news that is about the security at the airport in the US.

The US announced new security measures in response to a terror threat. But the US gave no details about this decision.

After 9.11, we all are forced to deal with the security issues and improve the securities against terrorisms. And they seemed quite natural for us to undergo the very strict security checks when we get on a plane. For me, this seemed natural too, because 9.11 was happened when I was 6 years old. Since then, the time I have little intelligence, it was insisted that we needed to make security checks more and more strict.

But in fact, we hardly see the terrorists be caught at the airport. That may be because the authorities usually check their behaviors, and they get caught before the incidents occur.

Now I can think of this announcement that this is a kind of political performance by the US government. Whatever the truth is, they might have the people feel safe, and this is the key of this announcement. As a matter of fact we don’t know how to conclude the problems of terrorisms, yet people in the Middle East is bing endangered. We can feel safe in some measure when we know some measures are taken, which I think is very important.

this i beleive






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I believe in fashion

I was 16 when I first visited so-called fashion show.

That was not big one ,

Its was held by high school student.

Until then,I wasn’t tortally interested in fashion, actually I was but little.

I still remember the show which I was really impressed and moved. all clothes were so creative and fashionable, models were so cool and surrender, everything happened in there was really new to me.

Since I visited the show, I started to be interested in fashion, and I started to think that fashion is important to express oneself and it express each persons identity.

I think few people really care about their fashion. I think more people should care about their clothes more. As I said, fashion shows identity. If everyone wears for example uniclo clothes, we can see only few information from him or her. I strongly believe ones appearance shows their inside, for example, their hobby, thought, liking etc…

Without explain we can easily get those information by seeing what they wearing.

When I see someone who wears clothes which I like, I always think that I can be good friend with him or her. Because I like fashion and he or her too. So we can talk anything about fashion and other topic through the fashion.

It is so great to exchange ones value with someone, I can learn a lot of things from people who love fashion im still not familiar to fashion, I have to study more.

But I really like fashion, and I believe on power which fashion have.


Im now planning to held charity fashion show, and I definitely will do that, to make my plan coming true I have to make effort more and study more.

But I believe in fashion so I will be able to accomplish it.

This I believe…

I believe that practice makes me perfect and trying something I have’t done ever makes me stronger and stronger.

There are some reasons to support my opinion.

First about the word that practice makes me perfect, if we didn’t practice something to do well, surely we couldn’t performance as we expected. Actually, I’m good at playing the piano and I often participate in the piano contest, so I know well the importance of practice. Whenever I practice hard, I can performance satisfactorily. Of course, no matter how hard I practice, I makes mistakes once in a while, I think.But every time I’m satisfied with my performance, I have made efforts a lot.

Second about the word that trying something I haven’t done ever makes me stronger and stronger, I think if we want to change ourselves, we have to try something new. Of course, it’s important to do same works again and again in order to do better. But forexample, if a pianist  practice only the one piece, he could play no piece but the one. It’s not good ,I think.

Tha’s why I think that practice makes me perfect and trying something I haven’t done makes me stronger and stronger.To tell the truth, my dream is to win the piano contest in the world and I want to be a pianist who give dreams to audiences by my performance. To realize my dream, I’ll practice hard , try new thing , and I will not be afraid of anything. I’ll do.

Of course, I am not in the musical schoole,but I think I can do. While I study politics,English, everything to do in this university, I practice the piano harder than other students.

Thank you for your listening. Bye.

This I believe

I believe that we should play sports to make our lives rich.

I like playing sports very much and I have been playing many sports since I was a child. For example, swimming, the running high jump, a marathon, and so on. But tennis is a sport I like the best.

When I entered a junior high school, I somehow decided to join in a tennis club. At the first, training was too hard for me because I had to practice almost every day. In the rainy season, my coarch didin’t allow me to stop training in a little rain. And in summer vacation, I had few holidays. And I had little time to do other things. But I was really satisfied with my daily routine because my teams mates were so funny and I never got tired of. At the beginning, I knew few people and we weren’t good friends. However, through every day practice, we became close friends in an instant.

At the same time, little by little, I built up my physical strength. When I was an elementaly school child, I was, if anything, not so healty, apt to beome sick easily. But daily practice helped me to be healty.

Of course, it is not always pleasant to play sports. We sometimes go into slump or get injured. In such time, it is not clear anymore how we should continue. I have also went into slump many times and I felt I lost my way. I even thougt if I could continue it or not. But, at all times, my team mates encouraged me, so I could go on it so far.

In the univercity, now, I belong to a tennis circle and enjoy playnig tennis with my new members. We are so close, so even in the holidays, we sometimes travel or play together.

And still now, I see team mates in my junior high school and talk about some episodes those days.

Of course it is not always easy to continue to play sports, you may sometimes get lost. I hope, however, many people play sports, not only for their healths, but for priceless times with best friends.

This I believe

I believe that football can conect people with other people. These days, World Cup is taken place in Brazil, and really come alive.

I have been playing football for 15 years. Through playing football, I realised that football may become one of the communication tool among people. I will talk about conection among people by the football.

First, I went to Australia during 1 month 2 years ago. There were few Japanese, so I have to talk in English. However, I cannot speak English well, so I had only a few friends at first. At that time, I was helped by football. Some people who like football plated football at school but there were odd number of people. This is because I joined football. After this, I did not need any words to communicate with them. There were no difference of nationality, a race abd languages in football. Football is common sports all over the world. Then I could get many friends and I had a good time in Australia.

Second, I will talk about strong friendship. I played football when I was elementary school, junior high school, high school and university. Forcs on when I was high school but I could have many good friendship at my school.

In Japan, every high school football player’s goal is to advance to a national convension. As a matter of course our team, too. We made a great effort to progress. We practiced everyday, of course long term vacation, too, and we overcome many difficulties which are hard traning, failures, a breakdown and deteatsand so on with all members of our team. These things conected us very strongly. The result of our final match was not so good. However, I won the precious thing more than the result through the days playing football with our teammates. That is the strong conection between our teammates. Even now, we often gather and play fpptball although we are busy and do not have any time.

Like this, I believe that football has a big power to conect people with other people. To mention other example, crowdedness in Shibuya when Japan’s football match. It is clear that football conect people among complete stranrers. So, I believe that football can conect people with other people.

This I believe

I believe that music can change the world more peaceful and solve a lot of problems around the world. In addition, music can give power to people.

I love music for a long time.  I listen to music everyday. My favorite Japanese artist is Kazutoshi Sakurai, he is a vocalist and a guiterist of Mr.children. Mr.children is the Japanese popular rock band. Many Japanese people love their songs from the day when they dubued until now. They often make songs about love, peace, human and so on. The lyrics of their songs resonate in my heart very much. I have been encouraged by their songs when I had be sad. Moreover, my way of thinking have been changed by their songs positively or peacefully.

In one of their songs, “The palm of the hand”, Sakurai tells us, “People don’t have to be one group, it is natural that there are various groups or various humans around the world. We don’t have to have a same sense of values. We don’t have to have a same ideology. We don’t have to believe a same religion. We should admit other people’s thinking each other. We don’t need to fight because of difference of thinking.” I think it is very important thing what the song tells. Sakurai made a lot of songs which relate to peace of the world, they are not only “The palm of the hand” but also other songs. I have been taught many things by lyrics of songs which are made by not only Mr.children but also other artists. Music is very efficient tool to convey important thoughts to people around the world.

Music can be spreaded over the border. American rock music is very popular in Japan, and Japanese pop music is popular in America, too. Some musicians often act live performance in many countries, some of them sometimes sing their own songs in each lamguages. Even if they sang their songs in their language and the audience couldn’t understand their language, the audience enjoys very much or be moved to tears in their live. It is very fantastic that many people watch the same stage at the same time and they enjoy in the same place together. In the place, we can think that we are friends.

I think music power is great. Music plays very important role in the various place around the world. I will be helped by music forever.

I Believe…

I believe that sleep plays the most important role in our life, in order to make our life successful. Most people sleep every day, and it is obvious that the sleep is needed to maintain our health. However, is it necessary to achieve success in our daily life? I will explain why I think that way.

              First of all, sleep refreshes our mind. Don’t you feel your mind being cleared after a long sleep? In fact, mind is actually being cleared during the night. This fact has been proven scientifically, by many researchers. People are exposed to a shower of information every day. Information that we absorb during the day, will be put in a shelf called “hippocampus” inside the brain randomly. In that area, information are sorted and put in a shelf, so that we can access to those information afterwards. These shelves are called “memory,” and we depend on these in our daily life. If we lack sleep, our shelves would not be cleaned on time, so there are higher possibilities of losing memories. That’s why I take a small powernap before I start studying, and why I sleep so much after I studied for a long time.

              Secondly, long sleep will gain stamina when we are fatigued. As a result, we can live our life lively, and actively. Energetic actions always give positive effects to the others, which can attract the people around us. In Spain, there’s an old custom called “Siesta.” People there used to take a small break to take a nap, about 2-3hours after lunch, usually the period of time when everyone gets tired. I think, this system is wonderful, because we can recover our stamina once again, so that we can concentrate on our work after the nap. As an effect, the efficiency of the work could increase, and also enlighten the working-environment, which can lead to a success in our job.

              Finally, but most importantly, I believe that the sleep reduces our stress. People might regard sleep as a way to escape from a reality, but I think in an opposite way. Whenever there’s a problem, it is likely to be solved after some sleep is taken. Nothing would be solved if we try to treat the problem carrying so much stress. I recommend relieving all the stressors by sleeping, and then facing the problem. According to my experience, in that way we have more chances of working out a solution. Unless the problem has to be solved urgently, it is better to sleep first.

              As a conclusion, I believe in the power of sleep for three reasons; it refreshes our mind, regain us stamina, and reduces stress. I hope the listeners of my speech to try out some of my sleeping methods.

my reaction about scrutinity against phones and shoes in airplains


This news reports that airlines with direct flights to the United States have been told to tighten screening of Mobile phones and shoes in response to intelligence reports of increased threats from al Qaeda-affiliated militant groups.
why phones and shoes?
It is said that US security officials fear bombmakers from AQAP have figured out how to turn the phones such as iPhone into explosive devices that can avoid detection.
Also, they are concerned that hard-to-detect bombs could be built into shoes.
Technology innovation benefits us a lot and made our lives convenient but on the other hand, it harms us too like this. Careful scrutinity would take a lot of time and money. I wish that the fear of terrorism would disappear and we will no longer need tight screening in the airport . It would take time but we can do it.

This I believe


I believe in the power of chocolate.

The reason I chose this topic is simply I really love chocolate. Chocolate gives me great courage and power. For example, I was a 3rd year student in high school and I studied very hard to pass the entrance exam of the university. It was really stressful to study all the time and I felt a lot of pressure to pass the test. Since I had no time to do things other than studying, the only pleasure for me then was eating delicious food, especially chocolate. However tired I was, it encouraged me to continue studying. It made me relax. It helped me a lot. Also, It worked to make me concentrate on studying too. Because of the sugar it contains, eating chocolate before taking test or studying enabled me to concentrate more on the task. I eat chocolate whenever I take tests. Chocolate is like an amulet for me. So I became interested in the power of chocolate.


The power of chocolate is proved scientifically too.

The main effect for people are following.

1, Effective for preventing high blood pressure

One of the polyphenol, ‘Epitecakin’ which is contained in chocolate affects blood vessels and prevents and improvement of high blood pressure.

2, Good for losing weight.

The ‘Epitecakin’ also increases the amount of the muscle and works to decrease the weight.

3, Relax effect

The sweet smell which is unique to chocolate helps us to concentrate and remember. Moreover, the content ‘Teoplomin’ calms the nerve.

4, Good for beauty health

Chocolate contains various well-balanced minerals such as Calcium, magnesium, iron and zinc. They have good effects on beauty.


Chocolate has been used as medicines for a long time.

It was said that ‘ If you have one chocolate drink, you can walk all day long without eating anything.’ As to be said like this, chocolate was said to be excellent in analeptic and recovery from exhaustion.

It is for what mashed cacao and was made tabular to have been made and to have been used at the time of Azteca as an expedition of food.

It seems like what we call an instant chocolate just said in now, and was pouring out and drinking hot water.

Although it was told that the Azteca empire had the mighty military strength, possibly the power was brought about with chocolate.

Furthermore, it was combined with various medicinal herbs and also used as a cure-all which is effective against a toothache, alleviation of fever, an arrest of hemorrhage, an indigestion, etc.

It seems that Maia’s people used also for the medical treatment and the sunscreen of a burn the cacao butter which can be taken from cacao.

Now, cacao butter is used as materials of cosmetics products.