This I Believe


This I Believe

   I believe that exercising of the right of collective self -defense should not be permitted. Shinzo Abe, a prime minister in Japan, interprets constitution in an arbitrary manner.

   Public opinion indicates that about 60 percent of the civil are against Shinzo Abe, who aims to assert the right and interprets constitution as he likes. In addition, as they understand statement he submitted better and better, the tendency has got stronger. Under such a condition, he makes points of his plan complex, unclear, and difficult for people to understand. In other words, he avoid direct and simple explanation. Key word is “Using a military power can be based on the right of collective self-defense”. That statement will help him to exert the right.

   However, politicians supporting his plan claims that his plan doesn’t accept asserting the right and they don’t interpret arbitrarily. That insistence is not reasonable. Although a limitation is included in his plan, it will not be very effective. That is because they almost enabled themselves to exert the right, regardless of 96 article.

   Of course, it could be helpful that the Japan Self-Defense Forces can go abroad to support other countries when they are endangered, and to defend their own country and prevent an offense of opponent if some nations plan to attack Japan.

   But it’s a step toward war. At this stage, you have to remember Second World War, when American forces threw atomic bomb above Nagasaki and Hiroshima prefecture. You should learn a lesson from history. You must not cause that cruel war again.

   Moreover, the policy Shinzo Abe advocates could affect your future children. They might be called on for fighting for Japan. That’s a terrible. You need to protect next generation.

   Therefore, young people, including us, have to get interested in politics, understand what Shinzo Abe wants to do, and go to vote.

Cruise Ship Returns to Seattle Following Fire

The Westerdam which is the name of the cruise ship, were headed to Alaska when the blaze occurred. 2,086 passengers and 798 crew members were onboard. The blaze occurred twice and it took place in the boiler room. The first one and the second one were extinguished by the crew. Nobody was heart, but the cruise ship had to go back to Seattle.

These kind of news are dramatized because recently there had been an accident at Korea. The sunken ship Sewol was all over the paper. But think of it this way, by reporting these news people will hold back from going on a cruise trip. This will brutally attack the big business of cruising. People will refrain from using a ship to travel even if it is really safe. The company could say that it is safe, but the Sewol accident represents the lacking of safety so people won’t believe it. Second wave by this Westerdam’s accident could make people not to believe in the safe safe slogans without a doubt. This is only my opinion so it could be a false but you can’t say that no one’s thinking this way.

This I believe

I believe that people should not give up before you have even started,even if they drop by the wayside.

In my infancy, I was not good at everything, such as, sports,arts,music,studies and so on. At first, I was not caring about it and enjoyed everything purely. However, a change happened. I did not enjoy because I could not do anything right. In handicraft class, my work was worse than others undoubtedly. I did not write the Japanese cursive syllabary at all in dictation. I could not swim even 5m in swimming class.The people around me, such as, parents , teacher of the kindergarten only said ‘ You can do it’ or ‘ It can’t be helped’. These words did not do me any good.

When I entered elementary school, I started going to small tutoring school by the recommendation of the parents. The teacher there was very kind enough to teach anything I did not understand many times over. I disliked going to this school at first, but I became fond of her and came to understand many things. I still can remember her words that now. She said to me,’You do not mind failing.To give up halfway through is all right. However, you must not give up before you have even started.’ This words changed me slightly.

After that, I was getting better at studying. It was enjoyable for me to understand many things and this delight gave me motivation.I felt her words were true. Nevertheless,I was not good at many things as usual. Especially, physical education,handicraft, music class distressed me. I failed and gave up in middle in many times,but I never gave up before I have even started.

Most people often say ’ a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step’. However, I think it is not need to walk thousand miles.To accomplish against the will is not important.The really important thing is start doing something even if it is not good.

Then, something will change slightly.

This I Believe

I believe doing your best on that you face with and never give up is important. I belong fencing club and my aim is to participate in the World Students Games. I will continue to Keio graduate school so I will achieve this goal till the graduation. Now, I will tell you about my fencing life and lessons from this.
The reason why I started fencing was very poor. I entered Keio Syonan Fujisawa Junior and Senior high school and belonged Japanese Chess club because I had loved it. However, when I moved up to the second year of Junior High School, members of the chess club became only 2 because of upperclassmen’s graduation from the Senior High School so I was bored about club activity. I looked for a sports club which allowed to belong two clubs because I thought I wanted to continue Japanese chess and I might need to lose my weight. And that was the fencing club by chance, yet firstly I had no motivation for fencing since I had Osgood-Schlatter disease which made me have pain in my left leg, besides I like Japanese chess more than fencing at that time.
However, a turning point of my fencing life came when I continued to the Senior High School because fencing club’s manager was changed. He has been very aggressive and passionate man. He taught me the fun of fencing, the importance of having a passion, and concentrating on things what you did. The final lecture was especially shocking for me and my value has turned upside down. From the day, I have devoted my time and energy to fencing, study and a few other things like a different person. My fencing skills have been improving and I succeeded to participate in Kanto Senior high school students’ fencing competition. Moreover, my record in school turned better and found fun of study.
Never give up is also important. I repeated failures in fencing after I exerted myself of it. I have got tired of fencing many times, yet I have decided to continue to do my best whenever I was about to stop hard working for fencing For this, epee team which I have made a specialty of from university achieved to promote to the First grade league from the Second grade league in 26 years at last month. I competed in the game and succeeded in it.
Now, my goal which is to participate in the World Students Competition is very difficult, but I will do my best and whenever I face with severe troubles I will never give up.
You should do your best if you have to do things which you don’t like. Because doing things without passion is wasting your time and doing your best for everything gives you useful lessons and new discoveries. And you will have hard time, but you should continue to make an effort, because it gives you something precious.

What I believe important in our life is STUDYING

What is important in our life? There might be a lot of things, but I want to choose one thing which I think is most the precious. it is “studying”.


This is because what you can gain from studying always makes your out look on life broader. Things you can learn from studying can higher your quality of the life. For example, studying foreign language can make you speak with other country’s people. Especially, studying English which is used most wildly in the world enables you to communicate with a lot of foreign people. Therefore you will be able to change your opinions which you can not get from Japanese. Studying foreign languages means understanding other foreign cultures. We can know new things which sometime change your way of life.


Not only studying foreign language. When you learn economics, politics, or mathematics, they will always help you in many aspects in the life. Studying economics enables you to know the system of the economic and help you to live in the society. politics can make you understand what is happening in the national assembly easier and tell what kind of politics can be good or not for nations. and mathematics might help you what is the most correct things to buy when you go shopping.


There are no useless things you can get through studying. Gaining a lot of things from studying can tell you a lot of important things which help you lead a great life. It often makes your out look broader and tells a lot of ways of living. I surely think it can enrich your life and lead you to a new world which can not be attained without studying.


In this respect, I think the most important thing in life is to study and people need to learn when they are young as much as possible.

what i believe.


I believe that Children have to be grown up in urban city rather than suburban.

Of course, there are many things could make children’s childhood full of pleasure in suburban. However, that doesn’t mean children who grew up in urban can’t have good memories of childhood. also, even though children who grew in urban city have less nature based good mamories, that place offer many other advantage like education, transportation, information.

For example, i grew in suburban. I spent almost half of my life in that town. There were so many things i could enjoy with. Clambing mountain, catching some dragonfries, swiming in river… thing that you hardly enjoy in urban city. Thanks for that great curcumstans gave me  many good memories of childhood, my life in suburb had been good untill i move into urban city.

i was such a good kid in suburban, i was quite good at study and sports. when i moved into city at first time, i thought i could be a student just as good as i was.

however,  i noticed what i thought was wrong.

First there are too many academy for all studens. since no academy were in suburb, i’d had no idea about the academy and that fact became the one of the biggest reason i lost my passion for study.

secondly, contrast to my thought, they were really good at sports. because there were also academiy for sports. they had special skill in soccer, basket ball. they were good even at playing with instruments. of course i wasn’t good at it because i saw an instrument first time after i moved into urban city

This is why i think children should be grown up in, at least, near urban city.

suburban has great curcumstans for children.

however, they need to be educated like children in urban city.

i think unbalance of education could cause unbalance of the standard of living. it would be great if suburban has education system too, but suburban usually doesn’t have high quality education system.

this is why i think children need to be grown up in urban city.


I believe


I believe fortune telling.


People are divided into two groups. One is those who believe in fortune-telling, and the other is those who never believe in it. Some people criticize fortune-telling because they think it has no evidence to be believed in and it may have suggestive effect. However it is up to individuals what to believe in as Caesar said in Gallic War “ Men readily believe what they want to believe. Men gladly believe that which they wish for.” I recognize fortune-telling as a reference to my life and I think it is usually pertinent.


I would like to introduce personality analysis by blood type and animal fortune telling.My blood type is O type. Type of O is; he has a great confidence in himself. He always has his own goal and does his best to accomplish it. He doesn’t rely on anybody and gets over a difficulty. He hates to lose. He wants win the game by any means. He is bossy. He is bright and has much love. He values his personal relationship. He takes care of his company. When I knew that, I thought that was telling a truth.


I also believe about animal fortune telling. In my case, my animal type is panther.He interested in something new and smart. He likes being well-dressed. That is telling a truth.


Fortune telling has come true. I believe fortune telling by blood type, and animal fortune telling.

I Believe

I believe that the friendly relationship between people makes the world peaceful.

Direct communications are important for establish friendly relationship. For example it is to talk, listen, discuss, and solve together and directly. I’ll cite three instances for your understanding.

First instance, some articles and comments which are extreme and violent are in the spotlight on the internet. Many of people want to peace the world and establish friendly relationship. But it is natural opinion. Then, unfortunately, nobody says anything like this. Of course, these aren’t in the spotlight. Consequently, the minority opinion which is extreme, violent, and cause wars will affect majority opinion.

We can’t recognize existence of someone on the internet.Then, we can hurt and enflame someone easily. But at the same time it is possible that we were done the same thing. Since, safety was insured and to escape is easy.

Second instance is the Gulf war. There are many similarities between the internet and the Gulf war. The Gulf war was called “Nintendo War” because so many people were killed as play video games. Since they didn’t recognize existence of someone, the war didn’t seem real. This tendency is getting stronger. Specifically drone strikes have been increased.

Third instance, I had talked about China to elementary school students, some of them said that “I hate China” and “China is bad”. However, I said them that “Have you  talked with Chinese?”, they said “No”. I felt surprise and fear. They were controlled by information of mass media.

There is a little foreigner in Japan. Many of Japanese don’t have opportunity of contact directly with the foreigners. So, the mass media have major influence on image of foreigner. This will be the cause of “Hate Speech”.

It isn’t easy now that we recognize existence of the individual.

We need to enjoy friendly relationship between people.

I think that I have to do something for recover relationship between Japan, Korea and China. But I haven’t done something yet. Some of people have already acted. For example one of the Japanese took the free hugs campaign in Korea. In other case, one of the Chinese held the table tennis meeting. Many Japanese and Chinese took part in it. I want take part in and hold some events like this. Certainly we change too bad present condition.

I believe that illness arises from sickness of the spirit.

I believe that illness arises from sickness of the spirit. In my childhood I often ran a fever. Of course it was because I was weaker than I am. But the reason is not that only. I became sick intentionally . I hated going to school when I was an elementary schoolchild. Being forced to adapt myself to everyone was troublesome . Basically I like being alone from my childhood . Furthermore people of my age seemed childish to me. So the school was the uncomfortable place and I would like to avoid attending as much as I could. But I was not too foolish to absent myself because of my feelings. Therefore I sometimes try to run a fever and really ran a fever.
Moreover I took a cram school to enter a private junior high school when I was the upper grades. I would like to go to the school which is difficult to enter. But my grades were not a very impressive. So my mother often scolded me . I didn’t like to be got angry. However when I became sick , she became kind. Therefore I tried to be sick . That’s why I often became ill.
But I have changed from entering a junior high school. My school was a girl’s school and classmates were very frank. So going to school became a very pleasant thing to me. But what changed me most was to join a brass band club. I could find the thing which I absorbed in. To develop my skill, I played every day. In the morning I went to school early and practiced. I also practiced in lunchtime and after school . I thought that missing practice even one day means decreasing my skill. I loved playing flute and would like to be a good performer. To be so, I couldn’t be sick. Having a healthy meal, gargling, washing hands and sleeping well became daily works . As a result I became healthy in spirit. To be in good health mentally means being stronger physically. In consequence I never absented myself for six years when I was a junior and senior high school student.
Then I entered university. The first semester passed pleasantly. But too busy life made me tired and I became nerves . As a result I suffered acute gastroenteritis . Sleeping well restored me. By having inner reserves I maintain my health now.
Even in the world of sports , they say feelings of trying to win promote players to success .
These my experiences and words made me believe this phrase .