this i believe

I believe/ reading books is important. /I have three reasons for that. /First, /though it’s quite simple, /reading books is a lot of fun. /In a bookstore, /I can pick out a book I get interested in /or sometimes by the whim./ I think/ this process, I mean, the moment I am browsing through or choosing books, is interesting. /Of course, /reading books when I’m on a train, in my house ./ Like watching TV, /playing sports, and listening to music, /reading books is one of my favorite hobbies./

Second, /I can learn so many values from books, /for example,/ novels impress me /and give me an opportunity /to rethink about things around me, /criticisms give me a new way of thinking/ every time I read, /biographies tell me how /intelligent or courageous people in the past behaved /in the face of adversity. /Every book has different characteristics, so/ I think it’s better to read various kinds of books./

Third,/ we are in a democratic society, /so the smarter individuals become,/ the better the society will be, /like philosophers and Sophists were born in Athens./ In addition,/ Society is functioning thanks to the government, in other words, bureaucrats, and for them, it’s easier /to manipulate stupid people. So people must get some proper knowledge to watch whether our government have a right policy or not. /I’m sure to be among stupid people now,/ but I don’t want to be like them and I want to be a person of knowledge in the future. In order to attain my goal, /I think books are really effective.

_Though /I have spoken several high-sounding opinions so far, /as a conclusion, /to be honest, /I read books just because it’s fun. I read books for myself. /It is the biggest reason why I believe reading books is important.


i believe

I believe sports are very important. Sports not only make maintain ours health but also have good effects on the mind. Sports make us get rid of our stress and we become patient. And when we play a team sport, it’s difficult to win without cooperation. So we can learn to respect others’ feelings. I believe sports are good for the mind.

I like sports. I had played soccer in an elementary school, played badminton in a middle school, and played volleyball in a high school. Especially Volleyball had good effects on me, I continue to play it. The reason why I play sports especially volleyball is getting rid of my stress. I feel great when I spiked strongly and block. And after playing sport, I am exhausted very much, but I like the exhaustion.

After the retirement from the club in a high school and within a time of examination, I am bored and feel stress. When I play sports, I can forget something wrong and feel refreshed. As a result, I can concentrate very much, and study harder. We become to concentrate better with sports.

The second effect is that we can become a man who has guts. I think Sports are methods familiar to us to try limits of myself. The hardest memory in high school is a training camp in summer. A training camp is very hot and strict. Its purpose is not training the body and technique but guts. The strict training makes our mind strongly.

And when I play a match, the game went to deuce, we can’t make a mistake. I’m be nervous. I experienced these situation any number of times. Then I have wined as well as lost. But the experiences had good effects on our mind. I became to stand a nervous situation. I could get good mind to do something without a strain in nervous situation.

There are these effects on our mind with playing sports, so I like sports. But, not only playing sports also watching the sports had good effects on us. I am excited when I watch soccer at world cup. Watching the sports, we show various feeling. It’s good to have an open mind. I think Sports make our mind grow up. There are a lot of effects of sports. I continue to play sports in the future, I will grow up my body and mind.

This I believe

What I believe is  importance of life, especially small life.

One day, small grandmother woke up dragging the left leg which dosen’t move.

She walked slowly to a bait box  and ate breakfast. After a meal, she went back to her favorite place to sleep in  genial sun light.

When she was young, her body was covered with a fine coat of fur. She used to climb the trees and chase some mice. But now she never run free.

When I stroke her on the back, her warmth makes me smile. But I am complicated when I feel beat of heart and  her weaken body.

Pets are aging as well as human.

Dogs and cats now live in about 15 years because of pet food which is well-balanced in nutrition and advanced medical treatment. If they were human, they are about 80 years old. Every owner would want to live as long as possible with them. However, you should not forget there are some problems  caused by aging.

The big problem in a human society is also common in the animal kingdom, for example dementia.

In the case of dogs, if they cannot distinguish day or night,  they are barking all day in loud voice. It somtimes  become a neighborhood trouble.

In the case of large dogs, it is difficult to take them to the toilet if they get feeble in the legs.

To care aged pets is very tough. Therefore some owners bring them into a health center or, sad to say, throw them away.

I have grown up with my cat at since I was three years old.

She came in my house as a lost cat. We were friends and family. We used to sleep and play together. She was once my baby and I was an elder sister but now she is my grandmother.

Five months ago, I caught sad news with one photograph of her. She rested peacefully in heaven surrounded by flowers. Tears fell from my eyes, recalling her figure sleeping in the sunshine and dragging the left leg.

If she were wildness, the life would have been already completed several years before. Who expanded the span  of her life are us, human beings.

We have to do our best for them until the breath ceases, instead of taking away freedom and some various things from them.

When I thought that, closing my eyes, I seemed to hear her voice and see her smiling.

I hope all of animals passed away live peacefully somewhere.

This I Believe

This I believe is the spirit of hungry. Originally, this word comes from the mental condition that people try to do something for their life in order to eat. Although, this word is used widely today, I think that the hungry spirit consists of two parts, the infinite desire to improve oneself and never giving up whatever happens.

When I was a high school student, I dedicated myself to tennis club activity. Because I have played tennis since 13 years, I lacked in a lot of experience at that time and I made up for it in effort. After school, I took part in club activity every day and did hard training in order to become a regular member. I had an infinite desire to improve my performance. But I injured my right wrist during the game for selecting regular members, so I cannot participated in a Spring Tokyo Tennis Tournament. I was very disappointedin the result and watched the tournament as a cheering member. When the players in my school were defeated in quarterfinal, I was also frustrated. At the same time, I decided to take revenge as a player in the next match. Although I did not cure the pain in right wrist, I started to do training such as running and watching several tennis players on the Internet. After completely recovery, I did my best for win. Thanks to hard work, I become a regularmember for summer tournament. Under severe circumstance, I had the tie record finally in our tennis club. This is never giving up whatever happens.

In Japan, it is said that many young people are getting passive, reserved and satisfied with their surroundings. I think that this trend is not good for Japan to survive in this world. There are a lot of literally hungry people in this world and they made an effort desperately to eat much and get much money and higher position. They have the real hungry spirit. If Japanese people live peacefully as they are, we will fall into the poor. I experienced the success with the hungry spirit and young people in Japan face the challenge without it. So, I believe the spirit of hungry.

This I believe

this i believe

Today I have an interesting motion: “which education is better for student’s growth, American or Japanese”. I believe that Japanese education is better than American one. I have four reasons about it. Then I’m going to talk about these reasons.

First of all, it is not necessary for American students to clean their own classroom after school. On the other hand, in Japan, students clean their own classroom by themselves after school. While this system of American school prevents them from getting into a habit of looking after themselves, the system of Japanese school encourages students grow step by step.
Second, Japanese schools have school festival and sport festival, but American schools don’t have them. These festivals give two good effects to Japanese students. The first effect is that the festival can make deep friendship between them. The second effect is that they can grow up to be cooperative, because they can have a feeling of achievement when they prepare and finish these festivals with classmates in order to success them.
Next, I’m going to talk you about summer vacation. American summer vacation has three months without homework. So, American students having nothing to do in summer vacation and have many time to do what they want to do, such as, learning their interesting things, doing volunteer and practicing sports or musical instruments. However, in fact, most of students idle every day. On the other hand, Japanese summer vacation has about a month with a lot of home works. They can become intelligent, because they have to study very hard. So I think Japanese education is better than American vacation.
Finally, American schools have a system of grade skipping. I think this system has an advantage, but it also has some weak point. The advantage is that students can study what they want to study regardless of their age, but there are two disadvantages. The disadvantage is that they can’t have deep relation with classmates, because their classmates can change each time if they skip the grade. The next disadvantage is that students grow up to be able to get good grades only, but that they can’t have good relations with others and can’t succeed in working. I think that it is very important for all classmates to study at the same level and learn various things in cooperation. So, I think schools should not adopt this system of grade skipping for students.

In conclusion, these reasons tell us that Japanese education is better than American one for students. Now I’m very proud of Japanese education.

This I believeマイ録音番号10.wav


I believe in the powers of recording. the records often makes me happy, excited, sad and so on… When I have a impressive time, I take pictures, write down memo and get the memorial things. Basically I think I forget almost things that I had and I am a forgetful person. So I always try to record.

When I was ten years old, I moved to Fukushima and changed another school because of my father’s job. I was born and raised in Tokyo so I was very anxious with new town and new school. I was cleaning up after the move then I found the album with a lot of pictures that describe my happy time. The pictures encouraged me and I could have hope for the new life.

From this experience, I became to love the recording memories and I carry tools to leave on memory. Especially smartphone is a good tool for me. I can take pictures, record voice or movies, leave memo and draw paintings with it. Moreover I have external hard disk drive and I put date on the drive when the memories are full.

Although these data are important for me, sometimes I was confused with some questions. ”Because of recording, do I become forgetful person? “or “Because of my forgetful character, do I record memories? ” and “Do I record too much?”
After experiencing this question, now I try to sort the memories carefully. furthermore I don’t have deep attachment  to old things or rubbish very much so I waste many things in my daily life.

In addition, I also love to enjoy another person’s record. That’s why I read the magazines, blogs, private papers of the famous persons or watch movies and so on. I think artworks or novels are also records of the artist’s or novelist’s view of the world and I love them too.

I think records can last indefinitely and they have power to move people again and again. I think they are one of the firm things. I love their silence. They are just in there. But they remind us the scene or the feelings and sometimes give us discovery or impression.
That’s why I can believe the power of records.

This I believe

I believe that social media changes the society. I think that it will change politics, economy and human relations in the future.


When the Great East Japan Earthquake occurred on March 11th 2011, we couldn’t connect with each other by a cellphone which we trusted the best tool.Almost Japanese people panicked this situation. And we used cellphone at the same time in many places.We thought we could get in touch with friends or family immediately.But, all the lines were too busy not to connect anyone.At that time, I used a one of the social networking service, mixi to confirm my friend’s safety and so on.I felt the social media was essential for the first time.We could get an information of earthquake and transportation from mixi whenever we would like to check the site.Therefore, we recognize that social media is very useful.


Now, social media has spread all over the world. It can shake ideas of people beyond border.For example, we remember democratic movement called “Arab spring” from 2010 to 2012.It has spread to Arab countries of North Africa and the Middle East from “Jasmine Revolution” that took place in Tunisia.At this time, planning and asking of demonstration was done on Facebook and twitter.I have noticed two points from this incident.First, social media has been popular with citizens, especially young people.Democratic movement has happened in more than fifty countries through social media.The fact indicated that many people used social media over the world.Second, there is strong influence of social media.If somebody makes an objection to a government by using a social media,the government could be changed. This case shows how strong influence of social media is. It is possible to move society by using a social media from these points.


However, there is demerit of social media.Sometimes, it cause the problem of bullying and crime.In fact, trouble of social media is increasing rapidly .In other words, it may go good way or bad way.So, if social media change our society, it is important for us how to use it.

This I believe


I believe that pets give us some benefits. Some people might think that pets are cute but it’s a little bit troublesome because they require a great deal of care and I also thought like that. I like animals and I heard that pets give us many benefits but I still thought that there’s a lot of trouble that caused by pets. They throw down stuffs and scratch wallpaper and ruin the room.


However, loneliness made me want to bring a pet, so I brought my cat, and after I started to keep my pet, I changed my mind. Now I understand why people say pets give them joy. So I want to explain the fact about benefits that pets give us.


First, pets give us mental stability and joy. I am happy just thinking of my pet. When I am with my pet, especially, when I sleep with my pet, it’s so peaceful and relaxed. And when my cat come to me and act charming, I feel so happy because the thing that some creature which can’t speak human language but can commune with me and take to me is so heartwarming.


And in the old days, I thought that if a pet cause trouble I would be very upset and frustrated. However I don’t get angry at all even though my cat rummage trash can and eat the foods that she’s not allowed to eat. Because although she acts like trouble maker, she’s still so cute. So I can’t mad at her. It shows that pets give you lots of joy and happiness.


In fact, according to studies, pet owners are less likely to suffer from depression than those without pets. And also, Playing with a pet can elevate levels of serotonin and dopamine, which calm and relax. And people with pets have lower blood pressure in stressful situations than those without pets. As these research result, pets actually can improve mood and health.


Second, if you keep a pet, pets can help you make healthy lifestyle changes. After I had my cat, I became more diligent because I have to do care my pet a lot. I have to clean my cat’s toilet, feed her food, brush her hair and so on. And also I clean up my room everyday because if I don’t clean up, it becomes a mess soon. And if you have a dog, you need to take your dog for a walk, so it increases exercise. Pets can give you not only mental benefits but also healthier lifestyle.


However, I’m not telling you that all of you have to keep a pet. Because there are many people who don’t like animals and lack responsibility. However, it is clear that pets can change your life positively. Therefore I want to recommend you to have a pet.


This I believe

Today I have an interesting motion: “which education is better for student’s growth, American or Japanese”. I believe that Japanese education is better than American one. I have four reasons about it. Then I’m going to talk about these reasons.

First of all, it is not necessary for American students to clean their own classroom after school. On the other hand, in Japan, students clean their own classroom by themselves after school. While this system of American school prevents them from getting into a habit of looking after themselves, the system of Japanese school encourages students grow step by step.
Second, Japanese schools have school festival and sport festival, but American schools don’t have them. These festivals give two good effects to Japanese students. The first effect is that the festival can make deep friendship between them. The second effect is that they can grow up to be cooperative, because they can have a feeling of achievement when they prepare and finish these festivals with classmates in order to success them.
Next, I’m going to talk you about summer vacation. American summer vacation has three months without homework. So, American students having nothing to do in summer vacation and have many time to do what they want to do, such as, learning their interesting things, doing volunteer and practicing sports or musical instruments. However, in fact, most of students idle every day. On the other hand, Japanese summer vacation has about a month with a lot of home works. They can become intelligent, because they have to study very hard. So I think Japanese education is better than American vacation.
Finally, American schools have a system of grade skipping. I think this system has an advantage, but it also has some weak point. The advantage is that students can study what they want to study regardless of their age, but there are two disadvantages. The disadvantage is that they can’t have deep relation with classmates, because their classmates can change each time if they skip the grade. The next disadvantage is that students grow up to be able to get good grades only, but that they can’t have good relations with others and can’t succeed in working. I think that it is very important for all classmates to study at the same level and learn various things in cooperation. So, I think schools should not adopt this system of grade skipping for students.

In conclusion, these reasons tell us that Japanese education is better than American one for students. Now I’m very proud of Japanese education.

This I believe

Today I have an interesting motion: “which education is better for student’s growth, American or Japanese”. I believe that Japanese education is better than American one. I have four reasons about it. Then I’m going to talk about these reasons.

First of all, it is not necessary for American students to clean their own classroom after school. On the other hand, in Japan, students clean their own classroom by themselves after school. While this system of American school prevents them from getting into a habit of looking after themselves, the system of Japanese school encourages students grow step by step.
Second, Japanese schools have school festival and sport festival, but American schools don’t have them. These festivals give two good effects to Japanese students. The first effect is that the festival can make deep friendship between them. The second effect is that they can grow up to be cooperative, because they can have a feeling of achievement when they prepare and finish these festivals with classmates in order to success them.
Next, I’m going to talk you about summer vacation. American summer vacation has three months without homework. So, American students having nothing to do in summer vacation and have many time to do what they want to do, such as, learning their interesting things, doing volunteer and practicing sports or musical instruments. However, in fact, most of students idle every day. On the other hand, Japanese summer vacation has about a month with a lot of home works. They can become intelligent, because they have to study very hard. So I think Japanese education is better than American vacation.
Finally, American schools have a system of grade skipping. I think this system has an advantage, but it also has some weak point. The advantage is that students can study what they want to study regardless of their age, but there are two disadvantages. The disadvantage is that they can’t have deep relation with classmates, because their classmates can change each time if they skip the grade. The next disadvantage is that students grow up to be able to get good grades only, but that they can’t have good relations with others and can’t succeed in working. I think that it is very important for all classmates to study at the same level and learn various things in cooperation. So, I think schools should not adopt this system of grade skipping for students.

In conclusion, these reasons tell us that Japanese education is better than American one for students. Now I’m very proud of Japanese education.