my reaction to article about Edward Snowden


Edward Snowden who was a staff of NSA tell NBC what he think. He leak 1.7million top secret government document to all over the world. He appeared in interview to tell what he think one year after he revealing the information, then he describe himself as American patriot. He said he did that because he want to help America. But many people said that he damaged US national security. He stay in Moscow where this meeting take place because if he travel back he would face criminal charge. He decided not to come back home. He said in interview “if I could go anywhere in the world that place would be home. His priority is not about himself. He want his family and country help him in the future.


My opinion

I think country should not steal the information about privacy. It is bad that country obtain information without public knowing. But Edward Snowden is a civil servant. So he should not betray the country. Once he betrayed, then order in a country would collapse. Journalists should expose the evil of the state. Although he revealed the document for improving the system of America, but America suffer from what he did. China and Russia also may do the same thing. Now America is only one country which commit a crime about internet. He should think what happen in the world, especially  to America if he betray America. I think it is ok that japan steal my information because I do not have things which I don’t want country to know. But there are many people who hate country know his information. So what country did is bad and what Edward Snowden did is bad too.

My Reaction – “Zimbabwe arrests Sunday Mail editor Edmund Kudzayi”


Police in Zimbabwe have arrested the editor of a state-owned newspaper Edmund Kudzayi, who was recently appointed by Information Minister Jonathan Moyo, because of articles he had written.

Earlier this month President Robert Mugabe accused his information minister Jonathan Moyo of using state-owned media to sow divisions in the ruling of Zanu-PF party.

Correspondents say there is tension in the party over who should succeed 90-year-old Mr Mugabe, who was re-elected president last year.

Mr Mugabe had blamed Mr Moyo for firing editors at state-owned newspapers who were loyal to Zanu-PF. Mr Moyo has fallen in and out of favour with Mr Mugabe.



Through this article, I really felt how strong effect mass media has. If some politician can freely utilize mass media, they are able to control people’s thought, idea, or opinion and they can do any policies they want to do. Take a look at recent Mr.Abe, who is the prime minister right now, he is controlling mass media in order to pass his policy of right to collective defence. He used mass media and told people incorrect information about right collective information. He is now doing such thing as autocracy. I think Mr Mugabe knows how scary mass media is, and that’s why he blamed Mr Moyo Strongly.

MY REACTION -Nasa launches carbon dioxide observer-


Nasa has launched a misson dedicated to measuring carbon dioxide from space. The Orbiting Carbon Observatory-2 will help pinpoint the key locations on the Earth’s surface where the gas is being emitted and absorbed. The launch was delayed a day due to the failure of the water system used to dampen the noise and vibration generated by the rocket’s first-stage engine and strap-on boosters.

OCO-2 carries the 2 designation because it is a replacement for a spacecraft that was destroyed on launch in 2009. this should give scientists a better understanding of how the greenhouse gas cycles through the Earth system, influencing the climate.

My opinion

I think the Orbiting Carbon Observatory-2 help delay increasing of carbon dioxide and grobal warming. because by the reserch of the satellite, it is found that how the greenhouse gas in air and we can see the country that do global warming countermeasure or not.

I think we should have a mind to global warming. If everyone do that, big effect will happen and  delay grobal warming. Moreover government in Japan should do the acting to space eagary. Not onry Japan, but countries in whole world should do serching space like America.


My reaction -Mexican government and Drugs-


On June 30th, Mexican security forces killed at least 22 drug gang members through a gun fight. They are the members of La Familia Michoacana drug cartel. According to prosecutors, when soldiers patrolled the area of cartel’s factory, gang members fired at soldiers and started the gun fight.

The president Pena Nieto tries to regulate drugs strictly the same as his former president. So he decided to use security forces (nearly army) to oppose drug gangs. Some people condemn that his decision would promote more violence of gangs.



No soldier was injured or killed in this case despite fighting against all 22 gang members. We can imagine there are lots of soldiers. I think shooting and killing members are excessive to fight against them. If the government tries to use such a strong power, they should take another way, for example, shooting only their legs, firing tear-gas bomb and so on. Of course, there are also riot polices in Mexico so they should be used instead of security forces.

In Japan, the conflict between country and private citizens is sometimes problem. From the view of constitutionalism, security forces are civil servants so they have to restrict using power to civilians even if they are perpetrators. Criminals also have rights to stand a trial and they might have been innocent. I don’t agree with government’s actions which invade human rights.

This I Believe

This I believe

Now I am 19 years old. When I look back my life, I realize it is made not on my own but by a lot of people who I have ever seen. So I believe the importance of encounter.

When I was a junior high school student, I was so active; I served as a student council president, played track and field the best in my school and participated in a lot of out-of-school activities. My three years at junior high school was very fulfilling. But I have to say those activities were not realized on my own. Rather it was thanks to people around me. If my senior friend had not given an offer to be a student council president, if my friend had not invited me to enter track and field club, if my teacher had not asked me to participate in out-of-school activities, I would not have enjoyed such life. Finally when I graduated from my junior high school, one of my closest teachers gave me a message. That is  “life is made up of encounters”. At the time I did not make nothing of the phrase. It was no wonder for me because I thought that was just the way it is.

When I was a high school student, I leaded so different life from junior high school. I always thought twice everything (partly because I was at such difficult age), and was liable to be alone. I seldom played with classmate and talked a lot. I always played the guitar in my room alone. Now I will openly say that it was so boring. Nothing new and nothing stimulating. I just wasted my precious youth time. But one day the gloomy days started changing. I got along with a guy who sit next to me by talking about entrance exams for university. He was a fun guy and loved by everyone. He brought me to a circle of the class. Since then it became fun to spend the rest of high school days. It motivated me to study hard, and at last I could pass entrance exams. The encounter with him changed my high school life. He made me realize the importance of encounter which I forgot. Now he lives in Nagoya, but I still get in touch with him.

In Keio University there are a lot of people who inspired me, such as a person who participates in a long-term internship in India, who passed the exam to study abroad at government expense, and who dreams to become a professor of area study. Thanks to them I am stimulated every day to be active and now I aim to pass the exam to study abroad as an exchanged student. I am sure that encounters with people enrich my life.

This I Believe

I believe that communication in talking is very important in leading an enjoyable life. Especially we should talk with each other rather than using SNS or chatting online.


Now I have many friends I can trust and I enjoy my life so much. However, when I was so young, I only had a few friends and I didn’t talk with others so much. I didn’t even like to go to school. What changed me is finding pleasures in communication.


As I was in elementary school, I used to play with a few friends, playing soccer at free time. In the classroom, I never raised my hands and wouldn’t try to make new friends. I thought there wasn’t any fun to go to school to talk with the same guys.


One day my best friends told me, “Just talk to our classmates.” At first I thought it troublesome to communicate with classmates I never talked with. I came to know that having lots of friends makes us happy. It is even better to have a big company than a small one. So talking to others positively is important. We should not always wait for somebody to talk to us.


Communication also helps us understand others deeply. Nowadays we have an extensive SNS. We can get in touch with friends by e-mail without seeing. However, talking is quite different from e-mailing. I think it easy to understand what they think or feel by communicating rather than chatting on the web. When I communicate with my friends, I get information not so much from their words but from their expressions, tones or looks. I think that these will tell me their true feelings. If we want to be close to others, we must be eager to know their characters and ways of thinking. As we come to know them, they will be our best friends. Communicating with them would be more delightful.


As I make friends, there appears ones I cannot get along with. I think it is okay. I just have to keep company with friends I like. To make good friends, we have to start with communication. What I can say clearly is communication is so valuable for us.

US enhance airport security checks


Through the lesson, I read the article which was about written that the US enhanced airport security checks target electronics.

Of course, I think it is a good thing that enhancing the security since the terrorism aimed at the airplane is danger. However, I dont think the security checks at the electronics will work right. This is because not only electronic will be the cause of the terrorism. Also, I havent heard that the terrorism was stopped by the security checks  at the airport.

I think the important thing is to check the corruption inside the airport. The most cause of the terrorism is the corruption between the terrorist and the people who work inside the airport. Without that, i dont think the terrorism will be stopped.I think only enhancing the airport will not work completely.

New York, Boston mayors back LGBT groups, reject St.Patrick’s Day parades By Haimy Assefa, CNN

I think all of the people should be given an equal right, so I agree with same-sex marriage.

Not reproduction but a partner’s lasting promise that it receives mutually is a matrimonial essential point, and is the purpose.

I am opposed to robbing happiness of homosexual because I respect to individual freedom and we should be also released from the idea that homosexual is seen as different.

If we don’t accept same-sex marriage, it may breed discrimination against homosexual and I am afraid that it leads to the abuse of human rights in the event.

It is a kind of transformation to admit homosexual like infertility treatment and contraceptive treatment have been admitted.

If we admit rights for homosexual couples to have children, it should be considered carefully because they might be discriminated or there might be an opposition movement.

Therefore, we should change or reform the law and we should also change our social awareness.

Every countries should make the new world that we can permit homosexual marriage.

Minorities have usually new and wide view in general.

People can build new world, change our view, and broaden our vision of the world by supporting homosexuals, who are minorities now.

This I believe

I believe in family. My family helped me many time. Thank to them, I live in here. I can do little things without help of my family. I have mother, father and big sister.

My mother is very kind but she don’t stare her opinion because thinking about around people. I think that is her week point. Contrary my father is so selfish, for example where to go for eating lunch or dinner is decided by him. But my father is so active, so he has followed us to many spots and done sports such as tennis with family. All of us enjoyed that event. And my sister is cheerful disposition, so when she wasn’t in home, I feel a little loneliness. Sometimes she advised me about studying or love situation or .etc.

I deeply appreciated to my family when I entered hospital. Before being junior high school student, I was taken seriously ill. I was very disappointed when I heard that. My family came to hospital and cheer up me. They must have shocked , but they behaved brightly. Moreover my grandmother came from Nagoya, and give kindly words to me. The most impressive word to stay in my heart is “God give trial that is what you can do” . I remembered enduring hard cure with that word. I love my grandmother too.

In fact, I have family who haven’t been introduced. They are two dogs, one is mother and the other is her son. They are very cute. I feel happy they are delighted with their tail wagging when I come back home. I can have peace of mind when I play with them.

After that experience, I think our ties grow more strong. Of course, we fight in many times. But that is evidence of belief. In future, many things will happen, but my trust to family will not disappear. This I believe.


This I believe

This I believe

I believe that having a goal and making an effort to reach it is the best way to make our life better and richer one. I feel it wasting our precious and short life to live without having a goal of your life. Any goal is OK, easy one or difficult one…  for example, trying to remember 10 English vocabulary per day to get better at English, or trying to get good score at your exam. That’s ok, that’s enough.

Talking about my life, I have reached one big goal and I’m now trying extremely difficult one.

The first one is high school entrance exam, and I could pass it. Then now, I’m studying hard to pass bar exam to be a lawyer. Bar exam is so difficult that I don’t have time for having fun, but I don’t feel bad about it because I am doing what I want to do and studying to realize my dream. Some people ask me “Why do you study that much? Why don’t you want to play with your friends?” Actually, of course I want to play with my friends, but studying law is much more fun for me.

What I want to tell you is that making an effort to realize your dream makes your life great one. Recently, I only do studying law, but my life is productive one.

In addition, if you have good circumstance for studying, I think you had better not waste it and study hard to gain knowledge. Plenty knowledge give you a lot of choice. I mean if you have a lot of knowledge, you can find or make your goal easily.

There are a number of people who have a dream but can’t realize it because of poverty, so if you are in good circumstance, I think we must not waste it.

I am given good circumstance to study law, so I am trying not to waste it.

I will do my best to pass bar exam and to be a layer.

I hope you have a goal and make your life better one.