my reaction about magic realism


Leaders in Venezuela, Argentina and Brazil refuse to face the reality that the days of easy money are over, and the time is now for real reform. Colombia’s Gabriel García Márquez, who died last month, was one of Latin America’s greatest novelists. His writing helped to popularize what became known as “magic realism,” which mixes realistic narratives with magical thinking.



My opinion about the magic realism is that leaders of each country should see their real economic conditions and review their economic policy. They should not dream an impossible dream.”Magic realism”  refers to the way local “legends” in Latin American cultures are often ultimately endowed with supernatural, or at least fantastical elements. These elements and traditions of legend are often borrowed from by many modern Latin American writers.Marquez wrote a wonderful short story which very intentionally illustrates the way the mundane is often embellished in such a way as to eventually become fantastic-a hallmark of Latin American story-telling and folklore. The story is called “The Handsomest Drowned Man in the World.”This story is an excellent introduction to “magic realism,” and was written to sort of define the convention itself, showing that Marquez did indeed embrace the term somewhat.Magic realism is just a story in books, therefor the government of each country should not emulate it.

Brazil unrest:Million join protests in 100 cities -My reaction-


Many people took part in the protests in Brazil. There are several reasons for brazilian having unrest to the government.First, violent problems were happened in many place. Second cause of brazilian unrest is over high transport fares and the huge cost of next year`s football World Cup. Protesters are angry at corruption and poor public servicesas well as high cost of next  year`s football World Cup. Moreover politicians having high salaries and giving jobs to their relatives are widely scorned.


My image of Brazil was cheerful because of  samba in Rio de Janeiro. So, I don`t think such as protests was done in Brazil and I`m surprised at that. After reading that content, I understand why many people have negative feelings to the government, but protests are trouble for people who live in there. In addition, it is few chance to solve the problem by protests. Of cource, the government should invest in education and public services and it is natural that people angry at rich politician`s relatives getting job easily. But the government may try to improve that situation, so protest sproduce only a bad things.





Riots are happened everywhere in Brazil.Protesters are marching against the cost of hosting the football World Cup.They say they are angry that billions of dollars are being spent on next month’s football tournament.They say goverment should spent more money on social projects and housing.The planned protests coincide with a range of strikes.The army is deployed to provide additional support after some robberies and looting,before the strike.But The goverment is arguing it was not related to the World Cup.

Many riots are happened in Brazil.But I think hosting World Cup is good thing.After World Cup,Brazil is going to earn much money because of foreign people who go to Brazil to watch World Cup.So the goverment can spend more money on social projects and housing than before.But if protesters are not stopped by the goverment,foreign people who want to watch World Cup will not go to Brazil because of public peace.So the goverment should stop these Riots.



my reaction about Brazil world cup

Brazil  hold world cup in 2014. In general, this is a good news. But  many Brazilian people don’t think so.  In Brazil, there are many slam in which thief steal things or criminal do your harm. Now government have police and military go to slam to keep town safe. It is good but people think it as short range policy.


I think so too. Brazil are danger country. Government have to take new policy to be good country. To success world cup, sending a military to danger zone is nice idea. When I go to Brazil to see world cup , if there are many police, I feel safe.  but there is much better thing.  When world cup end, if government stop sending military, this policy has no meaning. It is most important thing that government keep on saving citizen. To do this Brazil need much money. So l think government need  make work not only by world cup but also by manufacturer industry,farming and trading.

My reaction about the abortion


Normally, abortion is not a good thing. People who become pregnant have to be responsible for their new children.

Ofcourse this is correct.However not all of the situations are simple as these. For example, women who were raped and became pregnant are difficult situations.  In this situation,  whose children will it be? The women do not desire  to have a child between a man who she does not love. In this case, will the abortion be a bad thing?

there are a lot of complicated situation in the world. I thought that the important thing is to establish  laws which can keep up with a situations which is difficult to  be solved enough by only  just one law.

My reaction about the article”Paraguay drug seizures up by 39% in 2013″


Officials in Paraguay, which is the largest producer of cannabis in South America , say the amount of drugs seized in the country in 2013 rose by 39%. Therefore, officials are caring about such drug so the leader of Paraguay promised to fight against drug trafficking rigorously. On the other hand, Uruguay became the first country in the world to legalize the marijuana trade. President of Uruguay, Jose Mujica tells us the reason of that legalization as this “if we don’t legalize marijuana trading, the low murder rate in Uruguay will soon rise as drug related violence spread.”


Before reading this passage, we argued about matters of drugs such as  ” Why some country treats marijuana as a legal thing while the other country treats it as an illegal thing? “or “What is the difference between drugs like marijuana and alcohol or cigarettes?  They are quite similar on the point of strong dependence and bad effect to our body, but only marijuana is treated as illegal.”

My own answer about the first one is that the difference of people’s thought about marijuana and difference of the economical environment between those countries cause such difference.

My opinion about the second one is there’s no essential difference between those things. Historical cause decides whether it is illegal.

Brazilian protests –My reaction-

There were demonstrations against the government in Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro, Brazil on May 16th. Demonstrators marched against the cost of hosting the World Cup. They want the government to spend money for social project or housing for low income people. Strikes connected to these protests are also happened in Pernambuco. They lasted for three days and lots of people were arrested. But the government didn’t focus on this happening. It denied the relationship between the protests and the World Cup and possibility of a tourists’ decrease.


Brazil holds some problems such as drug transaction and a slum area now. It is said that small gun fights happen sometimes in a town. I think people tried to condemn the government from lots of aspect by taking advantage of the opportunity that the World Cup is going to be held next month. The Brazilian law tends to protect labors’ right so people might be very sensitive to welfare. I agree with protesters’ feeling. Brazil is a remarkable developing country which is a part of BRICS. However the country has the biggest debt in South America and it hasn’t been solved yet.

Even in Japan, there were some criticisms that the government should prioritize revival after the big earthquake rather than holding the Olympics. Of course, “big problems” are uncountable in each countries but welfare work should be the most important thing for people.